// file : mssql/types/traits.hxx // copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file #ifndef TRAITS_HXX #define TRAITS_HXX #include // date, time, datetime, datetimeoffset #include #include "test.hxx" // date_time namespace odb { namespace mssql { template <> class value_traits { public: typedef date_time value_type; typedef date_time query_type; typedef date image_type; static void set_value (date_time& v, const date& i, bool is_null) { if (!is_null) { v.year = i.year; v.month = i.month; v.day = i.day; v.hour = 0; v.minute = 0; v.second = 0; v.fraction = 0; v.timezone_hour = 0; v.timezone_minute = 0; } } static void set_image (date& i, bool& is_null, const date_time& v) { is_null = false; i.year = v.year; i.month = v.month; i.day = v.day; } }; template <> class value_traits { public: typedef date_time value_type; typedef date_time query_type; typedef time image_type; static void set_value (date_time& v, const time& i, bool is_null) { if (!is_null) { v.year = 0; v.month = 0; v.day = 0; v.hour = i.hour; v.minute = i.minute; v.second = i.second; v.fraction = i.fraction; v.timezone_hour = 0; v.timezone_minute = 0; } } static void set_image (time& i, unsigned short s, bool& is_null, const date_time& v) { const unsigned int divider[8] = { 1000000000, 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100 }; is_null = false; i.hour = v.hour; i.minute = v.minute; i.second = v.second; i.fraction = v.fraction - v.fraction % divider[s]; } }; template <> class value_traits { public: typedef date_time value_type; typedef date_time query_type; typedef datetime image_type; static void set_value (date_time& v, const datetime& i, bool is_null) { if (!is_null) { v.year = i.year; v.month = i.month; v.day = i.day; v.hour = i.hour; v.minute = i.minute; v.second = i.second; v.fraction = i.fraction; v.timezone_hour = 0; v.timezone_minute = 0; } } static void set_image (datetime& i, unsigned short s, bool& is_null, const date_time& v) { const unsigned int divider[8] = { 1000000000, 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100 }; is_null = false; i.year = v.year; i.month = v.month; i.day = v.day; i.hour = v.hour; i.minute = v.minute; // Scale value 8 indicates we are dealing with SMALLDATETIME // which has the minutes precision. // if (s != 8) { i.second = v.second; i.fraction = v.fraction - v.fraction % divider[s]; } else { i.second = 0; i.fraction = 0; } } }; template <> class value_traits { public: typedef date_time value_type; typedef date_time query_type; typedef datetimeoffset image_type; static void set_value (date_time& v, const datetimeoffset& i, bool is_null) { if (!is_null) { v.year = i.year; v.month = i.month; v.day = i.day; v.hour = i.hour; v.minute = i.minute; v.second = i.second; v.fraction = i.fraction; v.timezone_hour = i.timezone_hour; v.timezone_minute = i.timezone_minute; } } static void set_image (datetimeoffset& i, unsigned short s, bool& is_null, const date_time& v) { const unsigned int divider[8] = { 1000000000, 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100 }; is_null = false; i.year = v.year; i.month = v.month; i.day = v.day; i.hour = v.hour; i.minute = v.minute; i.second = v.second; i.fraction = v.fraction - v.fraction % divider[s]; i.timezone_hour = v.timezone_hour; i.timezone_minute = v.timezone_minute; } }; } } #endif // TRAITS_HXX