// file : common/view/olv/driver.cxx // copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file // Test object loading views. // #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> #include <odb/session.hxx> #include <odb/database.hxx> #include <odb/transaction.hxx> #include <common/common.hxx> #include "test1.hxx" #include "test2.hxx" #include "test3.hxx" #include "test4.hxx" #include "test5.hxx" #include "test6.hxx" #include "test7.hxx" #include "test8.hxx" #include "test9.hxx" #include "test1-odb.hxx" #include "test2-odb.hxx" #include "test3-odb.hxx" #include "test4-odb.hxx" #include "test5-odb.hxx" #include "test6-odb.hxx" #include "test7-odb.hxx" #include "test8-odb.hxx" #include "test9-odb.hxx" using namespace std; using namespace odb::core; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { auto_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv)); // Test basic object loading functionality. // { using namespace test1; { object1 o1a (1, 123); object2 o2 (1, "abc"); transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1a); db->persist (o2); t.commit (); } { typedef odb::query<view1> query; transaction t (db->begin ()); view1 v (db->query_value<view1> (query::object1::n == 123)); assert (v.o2->s == "abc"); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view2 v (db->query_value<view2> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o2->s == "abc"); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view3 v (db->query_value<view3> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o2->s == "abc"); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view4 v (db->query_value<view4> ()); assert (v.s == "abc" && v.o2->s == "abc" && v.id == 1 && v.o1->n == 123 && v.n == 123); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view4 v (db->query_value<view4> ()); assert (v.s == "abc" && v.o2->s == "abc" && v.id == 1 && v.o1->n == 123 && v.n == 123); t.commit (); } { typedef odb::query<view5> query; object1 o1b (123, 1); transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1b); view5 v (db->query_value<view5> (query::o1b::n == 1)); assert (v.o1a->n == 123 && v.o2->s == "abc" && v.o1b->n == 1); t.commit (); } } // Test loading of object pointers inside objects. // { using namespace test2; shared_ptr<object1> o1 (new object1 (123)); shared_ptr<object2> o2 (new object2 ("abc", o1)); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1); db->persist (o2); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view1 v (db->query_value<view1> ()); assert (v.o2->s == "abc" && v.o2->o1->n == 123); t.commit (); } { // Check session interaction. // transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; shared_ptr<object2> o2a (db->load<object2> (o2->id)); view1 v (db->query_value<view1> ()); assert (v.o2 == o2a); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; view2 v (db->query_value<view2> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o2->s == "abc" && v.o2->o1 == v.o1); t.commit (); } shared_ptr<object3> o3 (new object3 (o2)); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o3); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; view3 v (db->query_value<view3> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o3->o2->s == "abc" && v.o3->o2->o1 == v.o1); t.commit (); } shared_ptr<object1> o1b (new object1 (234)); shared_ptr<object2> o2b (new object2 ("bcd", o1b)); shared_ptr<object4> o4 (new object4); o4->o2.push_back (o2); o4->o2.push_back (o2b); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1b); db->persist (o2b); db->persist (o4); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view4 v (db->query_value<view4> ()); assert (v.o4->o2[0]->s == "abc" && v.o4->o2[0]->o1->n == 123 && v.o4->o2[1]->s == "bcd" && v.o4->o2[1]->o1->n == 234); t.commit (); } { typedef odb::query<view5> query; typedef odb::result<view5> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; result r (db->query<view5> ("ORDER BY" + query::object1::id)); result::iterator i (r.begin ()); assert (i != r.end ()); { const view5& v (*i); assert (v.o4->o2[0]->s == "abc" && v.o4->o2[0]->o1->n == 123 && v.o4->o2[1]->s == "bcd" && v.o4->o2[1]->o1->n == 234 && v.o4->o2[0]->o1 == v.o1); } assert (++i != r.end ()); { const view5& v (*i); assert (v.o4->o2[0]->s == "abc" && v.o4->o2[0]->o1->n == 123 && v.o4->o2[1]->s == "bcd" && v.o4->o2[1]->o1->n == 234 && v.o4->o2[1]->o1 == v.o1); } assert (++i == r.end ()); t.commit (); } shared_ptr<object5> o5 (new object5 (o1b, o2)); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o5); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view6 v (db->query_value<view6> ()); assert (v.o1a->n == 123 && v.o1b->n == 234); t.commit (); } } // Test JOINs for pointed-to objects, existing and automatically added. // { using namespace test3; shared_ptr<object1> o1 (new object1 (123)); shared_ptr<object2> o2 (new object2 ("abc")); o1->o2 = o2; o2->o1 = o1; { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1); db->persist (o2); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view1a v (db->query_value<view1a> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o1->o2.object_id () == o2->id); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view1b v (db->query_value<view1b> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o1->o2.object_id () == o2->id); t.commit (); } // Container case. // shared_ptr<object3> o3 (new object3 (123)); shared_ptr<object4> o4 (new object4 ("abc")); o3->o4 = o4; o4->o3.push_back (o3); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o3); db->persist (o4); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view2a v (db->query_value<view2a> ()); assert (v.o3->n == 123 && v.o3->o4.object_id () == o4->id); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view2b v (db->query_value<view2b> ()); assert (v.o3->n == 123 && v.o3->o4.object_id () == o4->id); t.commit (); } } // Test by-value load. // { using namespace test4; { object1 o1 (1, 123); object2 o2 (1, "abc", &o1); transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1); db->persist (o2); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view1 v (db->query_value<view1> ()); assert (v.o1.n == 123); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view1a v (db->query_value<view1a> ()); assert (!v.o1_null && v.o1.n == 123); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view1b v (db->query_value<view1b> ()); assert (/*v.o1_p == &v.o1 && */ v.o1.n == 123); // Copy ctor. t.commit (); } { typedef odb::result<view1c> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); result r (db->query<view1c> ()); result::iterator i (r.begin ()); assert (i != r.end ()); object1 o1; view1c v (o1); i.load (v); assert (v.o1_p == &o1 && o1.n == 123); assert (++i == r.end ()); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; view2 v (db->query_value<view2> ()); assert (v.o1.n == 123 && v.o2.s == "abc" && v.o2.o1 == &v.o1); t.commit (); } object1 o1b (2, 234); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1b); t.commit (); } { typedef odb::query<view2a> query; transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; view2a v (db->query_value<view2a> (query::object1::id == 2)); assert (v.o1.n == 234 && v.o2_null); t.commit (); } shared_ptr<object3> o3 (new object3 (1, 123)); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o3); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); { view3 v (db->query_value<view3> ()); assert (v.o3_p == &v.o3 && v.o3.n == 123); // Load into value. } session s; // Load into cache. shared_ptr<object3> o3a (db->load<object3> (o3->id)); { view3 v (db->query_value<view3> ()); assert (v.o3_p == o3a.get ()); // Load from cache. } t.commit (); } } // Test NULL object pointers. // { using namespace test5; shared_ptr<object1> o1a (new object1 (123)); shared_ptr<object1> o1b (new object1 (234)); shared_ptr<object2> o2 (new object2 ("abc", o1a)); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1a); db->persist (o1b); db->persist (o2); t.commit (); } { typedef odb::query<view1> query; typedef odb::result<view1> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; result r (db->query<view1> ("ORDER BY" + query::object1::id)); result::iterator i (r.begin ()); assert (i != r.end ()); { const view1& v (*i); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o2->s == "abc" && v.o2->o1 == v.o1); } assert (++i != r.end ()); { const view1& v (*i); assert (v.o1->n == 234 && !v.o2); } assert (++i == r.end ()); t.commit (); } shared_ptr<object3> o3a (new object3 (make_pair (1, 1), 123)); shared_ptr<object3> o3b (new object3 (make_pair (2, 2), 234)); shared_ptr<object4> o4 (new object4 ("abc", o3a)); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o3a); db->persist (o3b); db->persist (o4); t.commit (); } { typedef odb::query<view2> query; typedef odb::result<view2> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; result r (db->query<view2> ("ORDER BY" + query::object3::n)); result::iterator i (r.begin ()); assert (i != r.end ()); { const view2& v (*i); assert (v.o3->n == 123 && v.o4->s == "abc" && v.o4->o3 == v.o3); } assert (++i != r.end ()); { const view2& v (*i); assert (v.o3->n == 234 && !v.o4); } assert (++i == r.end ()); t.commit (); } } // Test interaction with sections. // { using namespace test6; shared_ptr<object1> o1 (new object1 (123)); shared_ptr<object2> o2 (new object2 ("abc", o1)); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1); db->persist (o2); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); view1 v (db->query_value<view1> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o2->s == "abc" && !v.o2->r.loaded () && !v.o2->o1); t.commit (); } } // Test explicit conversion to smart pointer member. // { using namespace test7; object1 o1 (123); object2 o2 ("abc", &o1); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1); db->persist (o2); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; view1 v (db->query_value<view1> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o2->s == "abc" && v.o2->o1 == v.o1.get ()); t.commit (); } } // Test loading objects without id. // { using namespace test8; object1 o1 (123); object2 o2 ("abc", &o1); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o1); db->persist (o2); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); session s; view1 v (db->query_value<view1> ()); assert (v.o1->n == 123 && v.o2->s == "abc" && v.o2->o1 == v.o1.get ()); t.commit (); } } // Test loading polymorphic objects. // { using namespace test9; root r (1); base b (2, "a"); derived d (3, "b", true); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (r); db->persist (b); db->persist (d); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); // Load via root. // { view1r r (db->query_value<view1r> (query<view1r>::n == 1)); assert (r.n == 1 && r.o->n == 1 && typeid (*r.o) == typeid (root)); } { view1r r (db->query_value<view1r> (query<view1r>::n == 2)); assert (r.n == 2 && r.o->n == 2 && typeid (*r.o) == typeid (base)); base& b (dynamic_cast<base&> (*r.o)); assert (b.s == "a"); } { view1r r (db->query_value<view1r> (query<view1r>::n == 3)); assert (r.n == 3 && r.o->n == 3 && typeid (*r.o) == typeid (derived)); derived& d (dynamic_cast<derived&> (*r.o)); assert (d.s == "b" && d.b); } // Load via base. // { view1b r (db->query_value<view1b> (query<view1b>::n == 2)); assert (r.s == "a" && r.n == 2 && r.o->n == 2 && b.s == "a"); } { view1b r (db->query_value<view1b> (query<view1b>::n == 3)); assert (r.s == "b" && r.n == 3 && r.o->n == 3 && typeid (*r.o) == typeid (derived)); derived& d (dynamic_cast<derived&> (*r.o)); assert (d.s == "b" && d.b); } // Load via derived. // { view1d r (db->query_value<view1d> ()); assert (r.s == "b" && r.n == 3 && r.o->n == 3 && r.o->s == "b" && r.o->b); } t.commit (); } } } catch (const odb::exception& e) { cerr << e.what () << endl; return 1; } }