// file : common/container/basics/test.hxx // copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file #ifndef TEST_HXX #define TEST_HXX #include // HAVE_CXX11 #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CXX11 # include # include # include # include #endif #include #pragma db value struct comp { comp () {} comp (int n, const std::string& s) : num (n), str (s) {} #pragma db column("number") int num; std::string str; }; inline bool operator== (const comp& x, const comp& y) { return x.num == y.num && x.str == y.str; } inline bool operator!= (const comp& x, const comp& y) { return !(x == y); } inline bool operator< (const comp& x, const comp& y) { return x.num != y.num ? x.num < y.num : x.str < y.str; } typedef std::list str_list; typedef std::vector num_vector; typedef std::vector str_vector; typedef std::set num_set; typedef std::set str_set; typedef std::set comp_set; typedef std::map num_str_map; typedef std::map str_num_map; typedef std::map num_comp_map; typedef std::map comp_str_map; #ifdef HAVE_CXX11 struct comp_hash { std::size_t operator() (comp const& x) const {return nh (x.num) + sh (x.str);} std::hash nh; std::hash sh; }; typedef std::array num_array; typedef std::array str_array; typedef std::array comp_array; typedef std::forward_list num_flist; typedef std::forward_list str_flist; typedef std::forward_list comp_flist; typedef std::unordered_set num_uset; typedef std::unordered_set str_uset; typedef std::unordered_set comp_uset; typedef std::unordered_map num_str_umap; typedef std::unordered_map str_num_umap; typedef std::unordered_map num_comp_umap; typedef std::unordered_map comp_str_umap; #endif #pragma db value struct cont_comp1 { // This composite value does not have any columns. // num_vector sv; // Have the name "conflic" with the one in the object. }; #pragma db value struct cont_comp2 { cont_comp2 (): num (777), str ("ggg") {} int num; str_list sl; std::string str; }; #pragma db object struct object { object (): nv (comp1_.sv), sl (comp2_.sl) {} object (const std::string& id) : id_ (id), nv (comp1_.sv), sl (comp2_.sl) {} #pragma db id std::string id_; int num; cont_comp1 comp1_; cont_comp2 comp2_; // vector // #pragma db transient num_vector& nv; #pragma db table("object_strings") id_column ("obj_id") str_vector sv; #pragma db value_column("") std::vector cv; #pragma db unordered num_vector uv; // list // #pragma db transient str_list& sl; // set // num_set ns; str_set ss; comp_set cs; // map // num_str_map nsm; str_num_map snm; num_comp_map ncm; comp_str_map csm; #ifdef HAVE_CXX11 // array // num_array na; str_array sa; comp_array ca; // forward_list // num_flist nfl; str_flist sfl; comp_flist cfl; // unordered_set // num_uset nus; str_uset sus; comp_uset cus; // unordered_map // num_str_umap nsum; str_num_umap snum; num_comp_umap ncum; comp_str_umap csum; #else // Dummy containers to get the equivalent DROP TABLE statements. // num_vector na; num_vector sa; num_vector ca; num_vector nfl; num_vector sfl; num_vector cfl; num_set nus; str_set sus; comp_set cus; num_str_map nsum; str_num_map snum; num_comp_map ncum; comp_str_map csum; #endif std::string str; }; inline bool operator== (const object& x, const object& y) { if (x.uv.size () != y.uv.size ()) return false; int xs (0), ys (0); for (num_vector::size_type i (0); i < x.uv.size (); ++i) { xs += x.uv[i]; ys += y.uv[i]; } return x.id_ == y.id_ && x.num == y.num && x.comp2_.num == y.comp2_.num && x.comp2_.str == y.comp2_.str && x.nv == y.nv && x.sv == y.sv && x.cv == y.cv && xs == ys && x.sl == y.sl && x.ns == y.ns && x.ss == y.ss && x.cs == y.cs && x.nsm == y.nsm && x.snm == y.snm && x.ncm == y.ncm && x.csm == y.csm && #ifdef HAVE_CXX11 x.na == y.na && x.sa == y.sa && x.ca == y.ca && x.nfl == y.nfl && x.sfl == y.sfl && x.cfl == y.cfl && x.nus == y.nus && x.sus == y.sus && x.cus == y.cus && x.nsum == y.nsum && x.snum == y.snum && x.ncum == y.ncum && x.csum == y.csum && #endif x.str == y.str; } #endif // TEST_HXX