#! /usr/bin/env bash

# file      : build/pgsql/configure
# copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Code Synthesis Tools CC
# license   : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file

# dcf_root - dynamic configuration root

$echo "Please enter the PostgreSQL client program path."

driver=`read_path --command psql`

$echo "Please enter the PostgreSQL database user. Note that the named"
$echo "user must be allowed to connect to the database server without"
$echo "specifying credentials."

user=`read_value "odb_test"`

$echo "Please enter the PostgreSQL database name. Note that it WILL BE"
$echo "MODIFIED by the tests."

db=`read_value "odb_test"`

$echo "Please enter the PostgreSQL database host. Leaving this field"
$echo "blank results in using Unix-domain sockets. Machines without"
$echo "Unix-domain sockets will connect to localhost."

host=`read_value ""`

$echo "Please enter the PostgreSQL database port or the socket file name"
$echo "extension for Unix-domain connections."

port=`read_value ""`


echo "--user '$user'"    >$opt
echo "--database '$db'" >>$opt

if [ -n "$host" ]; then
echo "--host '$host'"   >>$opt

if [ -n "$port" ]; then
echo "--port '$port'"   >>$opt

echo "#!/bin/sh"                                              >$drv
echo "opt=\`cat $opt\`"                                      >>$drv
echo "eval $scf_root/pgsql/pgsql --driver $driver \$opt \$*" >>$drv
chmod 755 $drv