# file : build/import/odb/hxx-cxx.make # author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com> # copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Code Synthesis Tools CC # license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file # Here we are operating in the importing project's space, not in odb's. # # Get the C++ configuration (file extensions, and extra CPP options). # $(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/configuration.make) odb_pattern := \ $(out_base)/%-odb.$(cxx_s_suffix) \ $(out_base)/%-odb.$(cxx_h_suffix) \ $(out_base)/%-odb.$(cxx_i_suffix) \ $(out_base)/%.sql $(odb_pattern): odb_options := \ --hxx-suffix .$(cxx_h_suffix) \ --ixx-suffix .$(cxx_i_suffix) \ --cxx-suffix .$(cxx_s_suffix) $(odb_pattern): odb-expand-cpp-options-impl = \ $(if $1,$(shell sed -e 's%include: \(.*\)%\1%' -e t -e d $1)) $(odb_pattern): odb-expand-cpp-options = \ $(call odb-expand-cpp-options-impl,$(filter %.cpp-options,$1)) .PRECIOUS: $(odb_pattern) ifeq ($(out_base),$(src_base)) $(odb_pattern): $(src_base)/%.$(cxx_h_suffix) $(call message,odb $<,$(odb) $(cpp_options) \ $(call expand-cpp-options,$^) $(cxx_pp_extra_options) $(odb_options) \ --output-dir $(dir $@) $<) else $(odb_pattern): $(src_base)/%.$(cxx_h_suffix) | $$(dir $$@). $(call message,odb $<,$(odb) $(cpp_options) \ $(call expand-cpp-options,$^) $(cxx_pp_extra_options) $(odb_options) \ --output-dir $(dir $@) $<) $(odb_pattern): $(out_base)/%.$(cxx_h_suffix) | $$(dir $$@). $(call message,odb $<,$(odb) $(cpp_options) \ $(call expand-cpp-options,$^) $(cxx_pp_extra_options) $(odb_options) \ --output-dir $(dir $@) $<) endif .PHONY: $(out_base)/%-odb.cxx.hxx.clean $(out_base)/%-odb.cxx.hxx.clean: $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(@:.cxx.hxx.clean=.$(cxx_s_suffix))) $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(@:.cxx.hxx.clean=.$(cxx_h_suffix))) $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(@:.cxx.hxx.clean=.$(cxx_i_suffix))) $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(@:-odb.cxx.hxx.clean=.sql))