// file : boost/mysql/date-time/driver.cxx // copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file // Test boost date/time type persistence. MySQL version. // #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <odb/mysql/database.hxx> #include <odb/mysql/transaction.hxx> #include <common/common.hxx> #include "test.hxx" #include "test-odb.hxx" using namespace std; using namespace boost::gregorian; using namespace boost::posix_time; using namespace odb::core; bool test_invalid_special_value (object&, auto_ptr<database>&); bool test_out_of_range_value (object&, auto_ptr<database>&); int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { auto_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv)); mysql_version v; { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->query<mysql_version> ().begin ().load (v); t.commit (); } // If we are running against MySQL 5.6.4 or later alter the tables // to allow sub-second precision. // bool fs (v.major > 5 || (v.major == 5 && (v.minor > 6 || (v.minor == 6 && v.release >= 4)))); if (fs) { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->execute ("ALTER TABLE `boost_mysql_dt_object_durations`" \ " MODIFY COLUMN `value` TIME(6)"); db->execute ("ALTER TABLE `boost_mysql_dt_object_times`" \ " MODIFY COLUMN `value` DATETIME(6)"); db->execute ("ALTER TABLE `boost_mysql_dt_object_timestamps`" \ " MODIFY COLUMN `value` TIMESTAMP(6) NULL"); t.commit (); } object o; // Test all valid date-time mappings. // o.dates.push_back (day_clock::local_day ()); o.dates.push_back (date (not_a_date_time)); o.dates.push_back (date (max_date_time)); o.dates.push_back (date (min_date_time)); if (fs) o.times.push_back (microsec_clock::local_time ()); else o.times.push_back (second_clock::local_time ()); o.times.push_back (not_a_date_time); o.times.push_back (min_date_time); // MySQL prior to 5.6.4 does not support fraction seconds. Construct // with zero fractional seconds so that comparison test does not fail // for invalid reasons. // o.times.push_back ( ptime ( date (max_date_time), time_duration ( ptime (max_date_time).time_of_day ().hours (), ptime (max_date_time).time_of_day ().minutes (), ptime (max_date_time).time_of_day ().seconds ()))); if (fs) o.timestamps.push_back (microsec_clock::local_time ()); else o.timestamps.push_back (second_clock::local_time ()); o.timestamps.push_back (not_a_date_time); o.durations.push_back (time_duration (1, 2, 3)); if (fs) o.durations.back () += time_duration (microseconds (123456)); o.durations.push_back (time_duration (-1, 2, 3)); o.durations.push_back (not_a_date_time); { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (o); t.commit (); } { transaction t (db->begin ()); auto_ptr<object> ol (db->load<object> (o.id)); t.commit (); assert (*ol == o); } { // Test invalid date mappings. // object sv1, sv2; sv1.dates.push_back (date (neg_infin)); sv2.dates.push_back (date (pos_infin)); transaction t (db->begin ()); assert (test_invalid_special_value (sv1, db)); assert (test_invalid_special_value (sv2, db)); t.commit (); } { // Test invalid ptime (DATETIME) mappings. // object sv1, sv2; sv1.times.push_back (neg_infin); sv2.times.push_back (pos_infin); transaction t (db->begin ()); assert (test_invalid_special_value (sv1, db)); assert (test_invalid_special_value (sv2, db)); t.commit (); } { // Test invalid ptime (TIMESTAMP) mappings. // object or1, or2, sv1, sv2; or1.timestamps.push_back (min_date_time); or2.timestamps.push_back (max_date_time); sv1.timestamps.push_back (neg_infin); sv2.timestamps.push_back (pos_infin); transaction t (db->begin ()); assert (test_out_of_range_value (or1, db)); assert (test_out_of_range_value (or2, db)); assert (test_invalid_special_value (sv1, db)); assert (test_invalid_special_value (sv2, db)); t.commit (); } { // Test invalid time_duration mappings. // object or1, or2, sv1, sv2; or1.durations.push_back (time_duration (850, 0, 0)); or2.durations.push_back (time_duration (-850, 0, 0)); sv1.durations.push_back (pos_infin); sv2.durations.push_back (neg_infin); transaction t (db->begin ()); assert (test_out_of_range_value (or1, db)); assert (test_out_of_range_value (or2, db)); assert (test_invalid_special_value (sv1, db)); assert (test_invalid_special_value (sv2, db)); t.commit (); } } catch (const odb::exception& e) { cerr << e.what () << endl; return 1; } } bool test_invalid_special_value (object& x, auto_ptr<database>& db) { try { db->persist (x); return false; } catch (const odb::boost::date_time::special_value&) { } return true; } bool test_out_of_range_value (object& x, auto_ptr<database>& db) { try { db->persist (x); return false; } catch (const odb::boost::date_time::value_out_of_range&) { } return true; }