// file : view/driver.cxx // author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com> // copyright : not copyrighted - public domain #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr #include <iostream> #include <odb/database.hxx> #include <odb/session.hxx> #include <odb/transaction.hxx> #include "database.hxx" // create_database #include "employee.hxx" #include "employee-odb.hxx" using namespace std; using namespace odb::core; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { auto_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv)); // Create the legacy employee_extra table. // { // First try to drop the table if it exists. // { transaction t (db->begin ()); try { db->execute ("DROP TABLE view_employee_extra"); t.commit (); } catch (const odb::exception&) { } } { transaction t (db->begin ()); db->execute ( "CREATE TABLE view_employee_extra (" "employee_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "vacation_days INTEGER NOT NULL," "previous_employer_id INTEGER)"); t.commit (); } } // Create a few persistent objects. // { shared_ptr<country> ca (new country ("CA", "Canada")); shared_ptr<country> za (new country ("ZA", "South Africa")); shared_ptr<country> us (new country ("US", "United States")); shared_ptr<country> se (new country ("SE", "Sweden")); shared_ptr<employer> st (new employer (1, "Simple Tech Ltd")); shared_ptr<employer> cs (new employer (2, "Complex Systems Inc")); shared_ptr<employee> e1 ( new employee (1, "John", "Doe", 29, ca, ca, st)); shared_ptr<employee> e2 ( new employee (2, "Jane", "Doe", 30, za, us, cs)); shared_ptr<employee> e3 ( new employee (3, "Joe", "Dirt", 31, us, za, st)); shared_ptr<employee> e4 ( new employee (4, "Johan", "Johansen", 32, se, se, cs)); transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (ca); db->persist (za); db->persist (us); db->persist (se); db->persist (st); db->persist (cs); db->persist (e1); db->persist (e2); db->persist (e3); db->persist (e4); // Populate the legacy table. // db->execute ("INSERT INTO view_employee_extra (" "employee_id, vacation_days, previous_employer_id)" "VALUES (1, 5, 2)"); db->execute ("INSERT INTO view_employee_extra (" "employee_id, vacation_days, previous_employer_id)" "VALUES (2, 10, NULL)"); db->execute ("INSERT INTO view_employee_extra (" "employee_id, vacation_days, previous_employer_id)" "VALUES (3, 0, NULL)"); db->execute ("INSERT INTO view_employee_extra (" "employee_id, vacation_days, previous_employer_id)" "VALUES (4, 15, 1)"); t.commit (); } // Load names of the employees that are under 31 using the employee_name // view. // { typedef odb::query<employee_name> query; typedef odb::result<employee_name> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); result r (db->query<employee_name> (query::age < 31)); cout << "Employees under 31" << endl; for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i) cout << " " << i->first << " " << i->last << endl; cout << endl; t.commit (); } // Count the number of employees which has the Doe last name using the // employee_count view. // { transaction t (db->begin ()); result<employee_count> r ( db->query<employee_count> (query<employee_count>::last == "Doe")); // Result of this aggregate query contains only one element. // cout << r.begin ()->count << " employees with the Doe last name" << endl << endl; t.commit (); } // Load the employee-employer information for all the employees with the // Doe last name using the employee_employer view. // { typedef odb::query<employee_employer> query; typedef odb::result<employee_employer> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); // Note that we need to add the object name after query::. // result r (db->query<employee_employer> (query::employee::last == "Doe")); cout << "Employees with the Doe last name" << endl; for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i) cout << " " << i->first << " " << i->last << " " << i->employer_name << endl; cout << endl; t.commit (); } // Calculate min/max employee ages for each employer. // { typedef odb::query<employer_age> query; typedef odb::result<employer_age> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); result r (db->query<employer_age> ()); // Some other interesting queries to try: // // This one restricts the calculation to a specific employer: // // result r (db->query<employer_age> ( // query::employer::name == "Simple Tech Ltd")); // // And this one filters the employees based on certain criteria. // // result r (db->query<employer_age> ( // query::employee::last == "Doe")); // cout << "Min/max employee ages" << endl; for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i) cout << " " << i->employer_name << " " << i->min_age << '/' << i->max_age << endl; cout << endl; t.commit (); } // Load the country information for employees with different residence // and nationality. // { typedef odb::query<employee_country> query; typedef odb::result<employee_country> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); // Note that we use the alias given in the db object pragma after // query::. // result r (db->query<employee_country> ( query::res_country::name != query::nat_country::name)); cout << "Employees residing outside of country of nationality" << endl; for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i) cout << " " << i->first << " " << i->last << " " << i->res_country_name << " " << i->nat_country_name << endl; cout << endl; t.commit (); } // Get the list of employees that have accumulated vacation days. // { typedef odb::result<employee_vacation> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); // With native views we have to use the native SQL query syntax. // result r (db->query<employee_vacation> ("vacation_days <> 0")); cout << "Employees with accumulated vacation days" << endl; for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i) cout << " " << i->id << " " << i->days << endl; cout << endl; t.commit (); } // Get the list of employees that have accumulated vacation days, this // time using the improved employee_vacation2 view. // { typedef odb::result<employee_vacation2> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); result r (db->query<employee_vacation2> ("vacation_days <> 0")); cout << "Employees with accumulated vacation days (take 2)" << endl; for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i) cout << " " << i->first << " " << i->last << " " << i->days << endl; cout << endl; t.commit (); } // Show the previous employers using the employee_prev_employer view. // { typedef odb::query<employee_prev_employer> query; typedef odb::result<employee_prev_employer> result; transaction t (db->begin ()); result r (db->query<employee_prev_employer> ()); cout << "Previous employees" << endl; for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i) { const nullable<string>& pe (i->prev_employer_name); cout << " " << i->first << " " << i->last << " " << (pe.null () ? string ("N/A") : *pe) << endl; } cout << endl; t.commit (); } } catch (const odb::exception& e) { cerr << e.what () << endl; return 1; } }