@echo off rem file : build.bat rem license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file rem rem build.bat database qt-version vc-version conf plat [/Build|/Clean|/Rebuild] rem rem conf: {Debug,Release}|all rem plat: {Win32,x64}|all rem setlocal if "_%1_" == "__" ( echo no database specified goto usage ) if "_%2_" == "__" ( echo no Qt version specified goto usage ) if "_%3_" == "__" ( echo no VC++ version specified goto usage ) if "_%~4_" == "__" ( echo no configuration specified goto usage ) if "_%~5_" == "__" ( echo no platform specified goto usage ) set "failed=" if "_%2_" == "_0_" set "qtver=0" if "_%2_" == "_4_" set "qtver=4" if "_%2_" == "_5_" set "qtver=5" if "_%qtver%_" == "__" ( echo unknown Qt version %2 goto usage ) if "_%3_" == "_8_" set "vcver=8" if "_%3_" == "_9_" set "vcver=9" if "_%3_" == "_10_" set "vcver=10" if "_%3_" == "_11_" set "vcver=11" if "_%3_" == "_12_" set "vcver=12" if "_%vcver%_" == "__" ( echo unknown VC++ version %3 goto usage ) set "confs=%~4" set "plats=%~5" if "_%confs%_" == "_all_" set "confs=Debug Release" if "_%plats%_" == "_all_" set "plats=Win32 x64" set "action=%6" if "_%action%_" == "__" set "action=/Build" set "devenv=%DEVENV%" if "_%devenv%_" == "__" set "devenv=devenv.com" goto start rem rem %1 - solution name rem %2 - configuration to build rem %3 - platform to build rem :run_build echo. echo building %1 %3 %2 "%devenv%" %1 %action% "%2|%3" 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 set "failed=%failed% %1\%3\%2" goto :eof :start for %%d in (libodb libodb-%1 libodb-boost) do ( for %%c in (%confs%) do ( for %%p in (%plats%) do ( call :run_build %%d/%%d-vc%vcver%.sln %%c %%p ) ) ) if not "_%failed%_" == "__" goto error if "_%qtver%_" == "_0_" goto skip_libodb_qt for %%d in (libodb-qt) do ( for %%c in (%confs%) do ( for %%p in (%plats%) do ( call :run_build %%d/%%d%qtver%-vc%vcver%.sln %%c %%p ) ) ) if not "_%failed%_" == "__" goto error :skip_libodb_qt for %%c in (%confs%) do ( for %%p in (%plats%) do ( call :run_build odb-examples-%1/examples-%1-vc%vcver%.sln %%c %%p ) ) if not "_%failed%_" == "__" goto error for %%c in (%confs%) do ( for %%p in (%plats%) do ( call :run_build odb-examples-%1/boost/boost-%1-vc%vcver%.sln %%c %%p ) ) if not "_%failed%_" == "__" goto error if "_%qtver%_" == "_0_" goto skip_qt_examples for %%c in (%confs%) do ( for %%p in (%plats%) do ( call :run_build odb-examples-%1/qt/qt%qtver%-%1-vc%vcver%.sln %%c %%p ) ) if not "_%failed%_" == "__" goto error :skip_qt_examples cd odb-tests-%1 call build.bat %1 %3 %4 %5 %action% if errorlevel 1 ( cd .. goto error ) cd boost call build.bat %1 %3 %4 %5 %action% if errorlevel 1 ( cd ..\.. goto error ) cd .. if "_%qtver%_" == "_0_" goto skip_qt_tests cd qt call build.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %action% if errorlevel 1 ( cd ..\.. goto error ) cd .. :skip_qt_tests echo. echo ALL BUILDS SUCCEEDED echo. goto end :usage echo. echo usage: build.bat database qt-version vc-version conf plat [action] echo valid configurations are: {Debug,Release}|all echo valid platforms are: {Win32,x64}|all echo valid actions are: /Build (default), /Clean, and /Rebuild echo. :error if not "_%failed%_" == "__" ( echo. for %%t in (%failed%) do echo FAILED: %%t echo. ) endlocal exit /b 1 :end endlocal