1. Finalize odb and release all dependencies (. * Release libcutl, libstudxml (note: cli is develop-only). * Review @@ (at least @@ TMP). * Update NEWS files. * Update bindist configs if necessary (e.g., generic linux config). * CI and make sure all good. * Publish to queue.stage.build2.org and make sure all good. * Push everything. 2. Release and publish to queue.stage.build2.org to build binary packages. * Release BUT DON'T PUSH: - Update version.sh script per comments in the script. - Run version.sh and review changes. - Make sure pre-generated documentation is up to date. - Build and test locally (bdep test -a). - Commit and tag (but don't push) per comments in the script. * Publish to queue.stage.build2.org. - Make sure Fedora bindist machines have up-to-date GCC. * Confirm all good and all binaries are built. * Update and run `download` script to download and arrange source and binary packages. - Smoke-test Windows ODB compiler binary (overlayed with MinGW). * Copy packages over to download directory, make sure there is enough disk space on host to publish. * Copy over (or add new) README.cli and update. 3. Update web pages * Update "Compilers & Platforms" page. * Update "Download" page. * Update install-build2 page. * Look over other pages for any changes (new C++ contructs, new feature, etc). * Copy over updated documentation to products/odb/doc/. Review with gitk for any unexpected differences. 3. Publish and announce * bdep-publish all the packages and make sure queued builds are good. NO: copy from queue.stage.build2.org for archive stability (we've already copied them to download/). * Migrate packages from queue to public/stable. Cleanup any old betas. * Publish binaries and updated web pages (regenerate .cli files). - Add release on GitHub (add links to packages, NEWS entries; use previous release as template). * Write release announcements and send to odb-{users, announcements}. * Announce on #build2. * Add news entries to web pages/RSS (landing page and product). * Announce on r/cpp/, lobste.rs 4. Finish * Commit web pages. * Commit odb-etc. * Update in build2? * Update Homebrew formula.