// file : odb/oracle/statement.hxx // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : ODB NCUEL; see accompanying LICENSE file #ifndef ODB_ORACLE_STATEMENT_HXX #define ODB_ORACLE_STATEMENT_HXX #include #include #include // std::size_t #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace odb { namespace oracle { class LIBODB_ORACLE_EXPORT statement: public odb::statement { public: typedef oracle::connection connection_type; virtual ~statement () = 0; OCIStmt* handle () const { return stmt_; } virtual const char* text () const; virtual connection_type& connection () { return conn_; } // A statement can be empty. This is used to handle situations // where a SELECT or UPDATE statement ends up not having any // columns after processing. An empty statement cannot be // executed. // bool empty () const { return stmt_ == 0; } protected: // We keep two versions to take advantage of std::string COW. // statement (connection_type&, const std::string& text, statement_kind, const binding* process, bool optimize); statement (connection_type&, const char* text, statement_kind, const binding* process, bool optimize); private: void init (const char* text, std::size_t text_size, statement_kind, const binding* process, bool optimize); protected: struct unbind { oracle::bind::buffer_type type; // Bind type. oracle::bind* bind; // Corresponding bind entry. void* value; // Actual value passed to OCIBindByPos. }; // Bind parameters for this statement. This function must only // be called once. Multiple calls to it will result in memory // leaks due to lost OCIBind resources. Return the actual number // of columns bound. // ub4 bind_param (bind*, std::size_t count, size_t batch = 1, std::size_t skip = 0); // Bind results for this statement. This function must only be // called once. Multiple calls to it will result in memory leaks // due to lost OCIDefine resources. Return the actual number of // columns bound. // ub4 bind_result (bind*, std::size_t count, std::size_t lob_prefetch_size = 0); // Stream the result LOBs, calling user callbacks where necessary. // The old_base and new_base arguments can be used to "re-base" the // lob_callback struct pointer (stored in bind::callback), the lob // struct pointer (stored in bind::buffer), and the indicator value // pointer (stored in bind::indicator). This is used by the query // machinery to cause stream_result() to use the callback information // from a copy of the image instead of the bound image. // void stream_result (bind*, std::size_t count, void* old_base = 0, void* new_base = 0); protected: connection_type& conn_; auto_handle stmt_; unbind* udata_; std::size_t usize_; }; class LIBODB_ORACLE_EXPORT bulk_statement: public statement { public: virtual ~bulk_statement () = 0; protected: bulk_statement (connection_type&, const std::string& text, statement_kind, const binding* process, bool optimize, std::size_t batch, sb4* status); bulk_statement (connection_type&, const char* text, statement_kind, const binding* process, bool optimize, std::size_t batch, sb4* status); // Call OCIStmtExecute() and set up the batch tracking variables (see // below). The ignore_code argument specifies optional error code that // should not be treated as an error. // sword execute (std::size_t n, multiple_exceptions*, sb4 ignore_code = 0); static const unsigned long long result_unknown = ~0ULL; unsigned long long affected (bool unique); protected: auto_handle err1_; sb4* status_; // Parameter sets status array. std::size_t n_; // Actual batch size. std::size_t i_; // Position in result. std::size_t errors_; // Number of parameter sets that failed. multiple_exceptions* mex_; }; class LIBODB_ORACLE_EXPORT generic_statement: public statement { public: virtual ~generic_statement (); generic_statement (connection_type&, const std::string& text); generic_statement (connection_type&, const char* text); unsigned long long execute (); private: generic_statement (const generic_statement&); generic_statement& operator= (const generic_statement&); private: void init (); private: ub2 stmt_type_; bool bound_; }; class LIBODB_ORACLE_EXPORT select_statement: public statement { public: virtual ~select_statement (); select_statement (connection_type& conn, const std::string& text, bool process_text, bool optimize_text, binding& param, binding& result, std::size_t lob_prefetch_size = 0); select_statement (connection_type& conn, const char* text, bool process_text, bool optimize_text, binding& param, binding& result, std::size_t lob_prefetch_size = 0); select_statement (connection_type& conn, const std::string& text, bool process_text, bool optimize_text, binding& result, std::size_t lob_prefetch_size = 0); select_statement (connection_type& conn, const char* text, bool process_text, bool optimize_text, binding& result, std::size_t lob_prefetch_size = 0); enum result { success, no_data }; void execute (); result fetch (); void stream_result (void* old_base = 0, void* new_base = 0) { statement::stream_result (result_.bind, result_.count, old_base, new_base); } void free_result (); private: select_statement (const select_statement&); select_statement& operator= (const select_statement&); private: binding& result_; ub4 result_count_; // Actual number of bound columns. bool done_; }; struct LIBODB_ORACLE_EXPORT auto_result { explicit auto_result (select_statement& s): s_ (s) {} ~auto_result () {s_.free_result ();} private: auto_result (const auto_result&); auto_result& operator= (const auto_result&); private: select_statement& s_; }; class LIBODB_ORACLE_EXPORT insert_statement: public bulk_statement { public: virtual ~insert_statement (); insert_statement (connection_type& conn, const std::string& text, bool process_text, binding& param, binding* returning); insert_statement (connection_type& conn, const char* text, bool process_text, binding& param, binding* returning); // Return the number of parameter sets (out of n) that were attempted. // std::size_t execute (std::size_t n, multiple_exceptions& mex) { return execute (n, &mex); } // Return true if successful and false if this row is a duplicate. // All other errors are reported via exceptions. // bool result (std::size_t i); bool execute () { execute (1, 0); return result (0); } private: insert_statement (const insert_statement&); insert_statement& operator= (const insert_statement&); private: void init (binding& param); std::size_t execute (std::size_t, multiple_exceptions*); void fetch (sword r, sb4 code); public: // For odb_oracle_returning_*(). binding* ret_; ub4 ret_size_; // You don't want to know (see statement.cxx). ub2* ret_prev_; private: bool result_; }; class LIBODB_ORACLE_EXPORT update_statement: public bulk_statement { public: virtual ~update_statement (); // OCI does not expose individual affected row counts for batch // operations. Instead, it adds them all up and returns a single // count. This is bad news for us. // // In case of updating by primary key (the affected row count is // either 1 or 0), we can recognize the presumably successful case // where the total affected row count is equal to the batch size // (we can also recognize the "all unsuccessful" case where the // total affected row count is 0). The unique_hint argument in the // constructors below indicates whether this is a "0 or 1" UPDATE // statement. // // In all other situations (provided this is a batch), the result() // function below returns the special result_unknown value. // update_statement (connection_type& conn, const std::string& text, bool process_text, binding& param); update_statement (connection_type& conn, const std::string& text, bool unique_hint, bool process_text, binding& param); update_statement (connection_type& conn, const char* text, bool process_text, binding& param); update_statement (connection_type& conn, const char* text, bool unique_hint, bool process_text, binding& param); // Return the number of parameter sets (out of n) that were attempted. // std::size_t execute (std::size_t n, multiple_exceptions& mex) { return execute (n, &mex); } // Return the number of rows affected (deleted) by the parameter // set. If this is a batch (n > 1 in execute() call above) and it // is impossible to determine the affected row count for each // parameter set, then this function returns result_unknown. All // other errors are reported by throwing exceptions. // using bulk_statement::result_unknown; unsigned long long result (std::size_t i); unsigned long long execute () { execute (1, 0); return result (0); } private: update_statement (const update_statement&); update_statement& operator= (const update_statement&); private: std::size_t execute (std::size_t, multiple_exceptions*); private: bool unique_; unsigned long long result_; }; class LIBODB_ORACLE_EXPORT delete_statement: public bulk_statement { public: virtual ~delete_statement (); // OCI does not expose individual affected row counts for batch // operations. Instead, it adds them all up and returns a single // count. This is bad news for us. // // In case of deleting by primary key (the affected row count is // either 1 or 0), we can recognize the presumably successful case // where the total affected row count is equal to the batch size // (we can also recognize the "all unsuccessful" case where the // total affected row count is 0). The unique_hint argument in the // constructors below indicates whether this is a "0 or 1" DELETE // statement. // // In all other situations (provided this is a batch), the result() // function below returns the special result_unknown value. // delete_statement (connection_type& conn, const std::string& text, binding& param); delete_statement (connection_type& conn, const std::string& text, bool unique_hint, binding& param); delete_statement (connection_type& conn, const char* text, binding& param); delete_statement (connection_type& conn, const char* text, bool unique_hint, binding& param); // Return the number of parameter sets (out of n) that were attempted. // std::size_t execute (std::size_t n, multiple_exceptions& mex) { return execute (n, &mex); } // Return the number of rows affected (deleted) by the parameter // set. If this is a batch (n > 1 in execute() call above) and it // is impossible to determine the affected row count for each // parameter set, then this function returns result_unknown. All // other errors are reported by throwing exceptions. // using bulk_statement::result_unknown; unsigned long long result (std::size_t i); unsigned long long execute () { execute (1, 0); return result (0); } private: delete_statement (const delete_statement&); delete_statement& operator= (const delete_statement&); private: std::size_t execute (std::size_t, multiple_exceptions*); private: bool unique_; unsigned long long result_; }; } } #include #include #endif // ODB_ORACLE_STATEMENT_HXX