// file : odb/oracle/oracle-types.hxx // author : Constantin Michael // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : ODB NCUEL; see accompanying LICENSE file #ifndef ODB_ORACLE_ORACLE_TYPES_HXX #define ODB_ORACLE_ORACLE_TYPES_HXX #include #include #include namespace odb { namespace oracle { enum chunk_position { one_chunk, first_chunk, next_chunk, last_chunk }; // Callback function signature used to specify LOB parameters that are // passed to the database. If false is returned from the callback, // statement execution is aborted. // typedef bool (*param_callback_type) ( void* context, // [in] The user context. ub4* position_context, // [in] A position context. A callback is free to // use this to track position information. void** buffer, // [out] On return, a pointer to a buffer // containing parameter data. ub4* size, // [out] The parameter data size in bytes. chunk_position*, // [out] The position of the chunk of data in // buffer. void* temp_buffer, // [in] A temporary buffer that may be used if // required. The buffer argument should specify // this buffer on return if it is used. ub4 capacity); // [in] The temporary buffer size in bytes. // Callback function signature used to specify LOB values returned from // the database. If false is returned, database_exception is thrown. // typedef bool (*result_callback_type) ( void* context, // [in] The user context. void* buffer, // [in] A buffer containing the result data. ub4 size, // [in] The result data size in bytes. chunk_position); // [in] The position of this chunk. union lob_callback { param_callback_type param; result_callback_type result; }; struct bind { ub2 type; // The type stored by buffer. This must be an external // OCI type identifier of the form SQLT_XXX. void* buffer; // Data buffer pointer. ub2* size; // The number of bytes in buffer. When parameter // callbacks are in use, this is interpreted as a ub4* // indicating the current position. When result // callbacks are in use, this is interpreted as an // OCILobLocator*. ub4 capacity; // The maximum number of bytes that can be stored in // buffer. sb2* indicator; // Pointer to an OCI indicator variable. lob_callback callback; // This pointer is provided to the user through the context argument // in both parameter and result callback functions. // void* callback_context; }; } } #include #endif // ODB_ORACLE_ORACLE_TYPES_HXX