// file : odb/oracle/error.cxx // author : Constantin Michael // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : ODB NCUEL; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace odb { namespace oracle { static void translate_error (void* h, ub4 htype, sword r, connection* conn) { assert (r != OCI_SUCCESS && r != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO); switch (r) { case OCI_STILL_EXECUTING: { throw database_exception (0, "statement still executing"); break; } case OCI_NEED_DATA: case OCI_NO_DATA: { throw database_exception (0, "unhandled OCI_*_DATA condition"); break; } case OCI_INVALID_HANDLE: { throw invalid_oci_handle (); break; } default: { break; } } sb4 e; char b[512]; // Error message will be truncated if it does not fit. if (htype == OCI_HTYPE_ERROR) { // We need to translate certain Oracle error codes to special // exceptions, such as deadlock, timeout, etc. The problem is we can // have multiple records potentially with different error codes. If we // have both, say, a deadlock code and some other code, then we should // probably throw database_exception, which is more severe. To // implement this we are going to pre-scan the records looking for the // codes we are interested in. If in the process we see any other code, // then we stop and go ahead to prepare and throw database_exception. // enum code { code_none, code_deadlock, code_timeout, code_connection_lost }; code c (code_none); for (sb4 i (1);; ++i) { r = OCIErrorGet (h, i, 0, &e, reinterpret_cast (b), 512, htype); if (r == OCI_NO_DATA) break; code nc; if (e == 60 || // Deadlock detected while waiting for resource. e == 104) // Deadlock detected; all public servers blocked. nc = code_deadlock; else if (e == 51 || // Timeout occurred while waiting for a resource. e == 54 || // Resource busy and acquisition timeout expired. e == 2049) // Distributed lock timeout. nc = code_timeout; else if (e == 28 || // Session has been killed. e == 3113 || // End-of-file on communication channel. e == 3135 || // Connection lost contact. e == 3136 || // Inbound connection timed out. e == 3138) // Connection terminated. nc = code_connection_lost; else { c = code_none; break; } if (c != code_none && c != nc) { // Several different codes. // c = code_none; break; } c = nc; } // Check if the connection is lost. If code is connection_lost, // then we know it is gone. If code is deadlock, then the // connection is most likely ok. // if (conn != 0 && (c == code_none || c == code_timeout)) { OCIServer* server; r = OCIAttrGet (conn->handle (), OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, &server, 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER, conn->error_handle ()); if (r != OCI_SUCCESS) throw invalid_oci_handle (); ub4 server_status; r = OCIAttrGet (server, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &server_status, 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS, conn->error_handle ()); if (r != OCI_SUCCESS) throw invalid_oci_handle (); if (server_status == OCI_SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED) conn->mark_failed (); } switch (c) { case code_deadlock: throw deadlock (); case code_timeout: throw timeout (); case code_connection_lost: { if (conn != 0) conn->mark_failed (); throw connection_lost (); } case code_none: break; } } // Some other error code. Prepare database_exception. // database_exception dbe; for (sb4 i (1);; ++i) { r = OCIErrorGet (h, i, 0, &e, reinterpret_cast (b), 512, htype); if (r == OCI_NO_DATA) break; dbe.append (e, b); } throw dbe; } void translate_error (OCIError* h, sword r) { translate_error (h, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, r, 0); } void translate_error (connection& c, sword r) { translate_error (c.error_handle (), OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, r, &c); } void translate_error (OCIEnv* h) { translate_error (h, OCI_HTYPE_ENV, OCI_ERROR, 0); } } }