// file : odb/mssql/database.cxx // copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : ODB NCUEL; see accompanying LICENSE file #include // std::strcmp, std::strncmp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace odb { namespace mssql { using odb::details::transfer_ptr; database:: database (const string& user, const string& password, const string& db, const string& server, const string& driver, const string& extra_connect_string, transaction_isolation_type transaction_isolation, SQLHENV environment, transfer_ptr factory) : odb::database (id_mssql), user_ (user), password_ (password), db_ (db), protocol_ (protocol_auto), port_ (0), server_ (server), driver_ (driver), extra_connect_string_ (extra_connect_string), transaction_isolation_ (transaction_isolation), environment_ (environment), factory_ (factory.transfer ()) { init (); } database:: database (const string& user, const string& password, const string& db, protocol_type protocol, const string& host, const string& instance, const string& driver, const string& extra_connect_string, transaction_isolation_type transaction_isolation, SQLHENV environment, transfer_ptr factory) : odb::database (id_mssql), user_ (user), password_ (password), db_ (db), protocol_ (protocol), host_ (host), instance_ (instance), port_ (0), driver_ (driver), extra_connect_string_ (extra_connect_string), transaction_isolation_ (transaction_isolation), environment_ (environment), factory_ (factory.transfer ()) { init (); } database:: database (const string& user, const string& password, const string& db, const string& host, unsigned int port, const string& driver, const string& extra_connect_string, transaction_isolation_type transaction_isolation, SQLHENV environment, transfer_ptr factory) : odb::database (id_mssql), user_ (user), password_ (password), db_ (db), protocol_ (protocol_tcp), host_ (host), port_ (port), driver_ (driver), extra_connect_string_ (extra_connect_string), transaction_isolation_ (transaction_isolation), environment_ (environment), factory_ (factory.transfer ()) { init (); } database:: database (const string& connect_string, transaction_isolation_type transaction_isolation, SQLHENV environment, transfer_ptr factory) : odb::database (id_mssql), protocol_ (protocol_auto), port_ (0), transaction_isolation_ (transaction_isolation), connect_string_ (connect_string), environment_ (environment), factory_ (factory.transfer ()) { init (); } database:: database (int& argc, char* argv[], bool erase, const string& extra_connect_string, transaction_isolation_type transaction_isolation, SQLHENV environment, transfer_ptr factory) : odb::database (id_mssql), protocol_ (protocol_auto), port_ (0), extra_connect_string_ (extra_connect_string), transaction_isolation_ (transaction_isolation), environment_ (environment), factory_ (factory.transfer ()) { using namespace details; try { cli::argv_file_scanner scan (argc, argv, "--options-file", erase); options ops (scan, cli::unknown_mode::skip, cli::unknown_mode::skip); user_ = ops.user (); password_ = ops.password (); db_ = ops.database (); server_ = ops.server (); driver_ = ops.driver (); } catch (const cli::exception& e) { ostringstream oss; oss << e; throw cli_exception (oss.str ()); } init (); } /* NOTE: This code hasn't been tested. void database:: parse () { // Parse the server string and extract individual parts (protocol, // host, instance, and port). // string port; if (server_.compare (0, 4, "lpc:") == 0) { // lpc:[\] // protocol_ = protocol_shm; string::size_type p (server_.find (4, '\\')); if (p == string::npos) host_.assign (server_, 4, string::npos); else { host_.assign (server_, 4, p - 4); instance_.assign (server_, p + 1, string::npos); } } else if (server_.compare (0, 3, "np:") == 0) { // np:\pipe\[MSSQL$\]sql\query // protocol_ = protocol_pipe; string::size_type p (server_.find (3, '\\')); if (p != string::npos) { host_.assign (server_, 3, p - 3); p = server_.find (p + 1, '$'); if (p != string::npos) { p++; instance_.assign (server_, p, server_.find (p, '\\') - p); } } } else { // [\][,] // tcp:[\][,] // string::size_type p1 (0), p2; if (server_.compare (0, 4, "tcp:") == 0) { protocol_ = protocol_tcp; p1 = 4; } p2 = server_.find (p1, '\\'); if (p2 == string::npos) { p2 = server_.find (p1, ','); if (p2 == string::npos) host_.assign (server_, p1, string::npos); else { host_.assign (server_, 4, p2 - p1); port.assign (server_, p2 + 1, string::npos); } } else { host_.assign (server_, 4, p2 - p1); p1 = server_.find (p2 + 1, ','); if (p1 == string::npos) instance_.assign (server_, p2 + 1, string::npos); else { instance_.assign (server_, p2 + 1, p1 - p2 - 1); port.assign (server_, p1 + 1, string::npos); } } } if (!port.empty ()) { istringstream is (port); is >> port; protocol_ = protocol_tcp; } } */ void database:: init () { SQLRETURN r; if (environment_ == 0) { r = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &environment_); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (r)) throw database_exception ( 0, "?????", "unable to allocate environment handle"); auto_environment_.reset (environment_); // Set ODBC version. // r = SQLSetEnvAttr (environment_, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (r)) translate_error (r, environment_, SQL_HANDLE_ENV); } // Build the connection string. // if (connect_string_.empty ()) { // Find the driver. // if (driver_.empty ()) { for (bool first (true);; ) { char desc[256]; SQLSMALLINT desc_size, attr_size; r = SQLDriversA (environment_, first ? SQL_FETCH_FIRST : SQL_FETCH_NEXT, (SQLCHAR*) desc, sizeof (desc), &desc_size, 0, 0, &attr_size); if (r == SQL_NO_DATA) break; else if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (r)) translate_error (r, environment_, SQL_HANDLE_ENV); // Native Client 9.0 (first version). // if (strcmp (desc, "SQL Native Client") == 0 || strncmp (desc, "SQL Server Native Client", 24) == 0) { // Compare driver strings lexicographically. Provided that // Microsoft keeps its naming consistent, we will get the // correct result. For example, "SQL Server Native Client // 10.0" (SQL Server 2008) will be greater than "SQL Native // Client" (SQL Server 2005). Similarly, "SQL Server Native // Client 11.0" (SQL Server 2012) will be preferred over // "SQL Server Native Client 10.0" (SQL Server 2008). // if (desc > driver_) driver_ = desc; } if (first) first = false; } } connect_string_ += "DRIVER={"; connect_string_ += driver_; connect_string_ += "};"; // If necessary, assemble the server address string, depending // on which protocol we are using. if (server_.empty ()) { switch (protocol_) { case protocol_auto: { server_ = (host_.empty () ? "localhost" : host_.c_str ()); if (!instance_.empty ()) { server_ += '\\'; server_ += instance_; } break; } case protocol_tcp: { server_ = "tcp:"; server_ += (host_.empty () ? "localhost" : host_.c_str ()); // Port seems to take precedence over instance. For example, // if you specify both, and the instance name is invalid, the // Native Client driver still connects without any problems. // if (port_ != 0) { ostringstream os; os << port_; server_ += ','; server_ += os.str (); } else if (!instance_.empty ()) { server_ += '\\'; server_ += instance_; } break; } case protocol_lpc: { server_ = "lpc:"; server_ += (host_.empty () ? "localhost" : host_.c_str ()); if (!instance_.empty ()) { server_ += '\\'; server_ += instance_; } break; } case protocol_np: { server_ = "np:\\\\"; server_ += (host_.empty () ? "." : host_.c_str ()); server_ += "\\pipe\\"; if (!instance_.empty ()) { server_ += "MSSQL$"; server_ += instance_; server_ += '\\'; } server_ += "sql\\query"; break; } } } // The Address attribute seems to be preferred over SERVER. However, // SQL Server 2005 Native Client only seem to support Address since // SP1. Since we don't know the exact driver version, for now always // use SERVER with SQL Server 2005 driver. // connect_string_ += (driver_ == "SQL Native Client" ? "SERVER={" : "Address={"); connect_string_ += server_; connect_string_ += "};"; // Add login information. // if (user_.empty ()) // Windows authentication. // connect_string_ += "Trusted_Connection=yes;"; else { connect_string_ += "UID={"; connect_string_ += user_; connect_string_ += "};"; if (!password_.empty ()) { connect_string_ += "PWD={"; connect_string_ += password_; connect_string_ += "};"; } } // Add database. // if (!db_.empty ()) { connect_string_ += "Database={"; connect_string_ += db_; connect_string_ += "};"; } // Add any extra connection attributes. // if (!extra_connect_string_.empty ()) connect_string_ += extra_connect_string_; } if (!factory_) factory_.reset (new connection_pool_factory ()); factory_->database (*this); } void database:: print_usage (ostream& os) { details::options::print_usage (os); } database:: ~database () { } transaction_impl* database:: begin () { return new transaction_impl (*this); } odb::connection* database:: connection_ () { connection_ptr c (factory_->connect ()); return c.release (); } const database::schema_version_info& database:: load_schema_version (const string& name) const { schema_version_info& svi (schema_version_map_[name]); // Construct the SELECT statement text. // string text ("SELECT [version], [migration] FROM "); if (!svi.version_table.empty ()) text += svi.version_table; // Already quoted. else if (!schema_version_table_.empty ()) text += schema_version_table_; // Already quoted. else text += "[schema_version]"; text += " WHERE [name] = ?"; // Bind parameters and results. // SQLLEN psize[1] = {static_cast (name.size ())}; bind pbind[1] = { {bind::string, const_cast (name.c_str ()), &psize[0], 0}}; binding param (pbind, 1); param.version++; signed char migration; SQLLEN rsize[2]; bind rbind[2] = {{bind::bigint, &svi.version, &rsize[0], 0}, {bind::bit, &migration, &rsize[1], 0}}; binding result (rbind, 2); result.version++; // If we are not in transaction, start one. // transaction t; if (!transaction::has_current ()) t.reset (factory_->connect ()->begin (), false); mssql::connection& c (t.finalized () ? transaction::current ().connection () : t.connection ()); try { select_statement st (c, text.c_str (), false, // Don't process. false, // Don't optimize. param, result, false); st.execute (); auto_result ar (st); switch (st.fetch ()) { case select_statement::success: { svi.migration = migration != 0; assert (st.fetch () == select_statement::no_data); break; } case select_statement::no_data: { svi.version = 0; // No schema. break; } } } catch (const database_exception& e) { // Detect the case where there is no version table. The SQL Server- // specific error code (208) seems to be too generic. // if (e.begin ()->sqlstate () == "42S02") svi.version = 0; // No schema. else throw; } if (!t.finalized ()) t.commit (); return svi; } } }