// file : xsd-frontend/semantic-graph/elements.cxx // author : Boris Kolpackov // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace XSDFrontend { namespace SemanticGraph { // Node // Annotation& Node:: annotation () { return annotates_->annotation (); } // Type // void Type:: remove_edge_left (Arguments& a) { ArgumentsSet::iterator i (arguments_.find (&a)); assert (i != arguments_.end ()); arguments_.erase (i); } // Specialization // void Specialization:: remove_edge_right (Arguments& a) { // The number of entries should be small so linear search will do. // Argumented::iterator i ( std::find (argumented_.begin (), argumented_.end (), &a)); assert (i != argumented_.end ()); argumented_.erase (i); } using compiler::type_info; namespace { // Edge // struct EdgeInit { EdgeInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Edge)); insert (ti); } } edge_init_; // Node // struct NodeInit { NodeInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Node)); insert (ti); } } node_init_; // Names // struct NamesInit { NamesInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Names)); ti.add_base (typeid (Edge)); insert (ti); } } names_init_; // Nameable // struct NameableInit { NameableInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Nameable)); ti.add_base (typeid (Node)); insert (ti); } } nameable_init_; // Scope // struct ScopeInit { ScopeInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Scope)); ti.add_base (typeid (Nameable)); insert (ti); } } scope_init_; // Type // struct TypeInit { TypeInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Type)); ti.add_base (typeid (Nameable)); insert (ti); } } type_init_; // Instance // struct InstanceInit { InstanceInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Instance)); ti.add_base (typeid (Nameable)); insert (ti); } } instance_init_; // Belongs // struct BelongsInit { BelongsInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Belongs)); ti.add_base (typeid (Edge)); insert (ti); } } belongs_init_; // Inherits // struct InheritsInit { InheritsInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Inherits)); ti.add_base (typeid (Edge)); insert (ti); } } inherits_init_; // Extends // struct ExtendsInit { ExtendsInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Extends)); ti.add_base (typeid (Inherits)); insert (ti); } } extends_init_; // Restricts // struct RestrictsInit { RestrictsInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Restricts)); ti.add_base (typeid (Inherits)); insert (ti); } } restricts_init_; // BelongsToNamespace // struct BelongsToNamespaceInit { BelongsToNamespaceInit () { type_info ti (typeid (BelongsToNamespace)); ti.add_base (typeid (Edge)); insert (ti); } } belongs_to_namespace_init_; // Member // struct MemberInit { MemberInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Member)); ti.add_base (typeid (Instance)); insert (ti); } } member_init_; // Specialization // struct SpecializationInit { SpecializationInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Specialization)); ti.add_base (typeid (Type)); insert (ti); } } specialization_init_; // Arguments // struct ArgumentsInit { ArgumentsInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Arguments)); ti.add_base (typeid (Edge)); insert (ti); } } arguments_init_; /* // Contains // struct ContainsInit { ContainsInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Contains)); ti.add_base (typeid (Edge)); insert (ti); } } contains_init_; // Container // struct ContainerInit { ContainerInit () { type_info ti (typeid (Container)); ti.add_base (typeid (Node)); insert (ti); } } container_init_; */ // AnyType // struct AnyTypeInit { AnyTypeInit () { type_info ti (typeid (AnyType)); ti.add_base (typeid (SemanticGraph::Type)); insert (ti); } } any_type_init_; // AnySimpleType // struct AnySimpleTypeInit { AnySimpleTypeInit () { type_info ti (typeid (AnySimpleType)); ti.add_base (typeid (Type)); insert (ti); } } any_simple_type_init_; } // Instance // Type& Instance:: type () const { return belongs ().type (); } } } // Path // std::wostream& operator<< (std::wostream& os, XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Path const& path) { return os << path.native_file_string ().c_str (); }