// file : tests/schema/driver.cxx // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef NDEBUG #include using namespace std; using namespace XSDFrontend; static unsigned long indent; std::wostream& ind (std::wostream& os) { for (unsigned long n (0); n < indent; ++n) os << L" "; return os; } namespace { // Nameable which is named in the namespace scope. // String ref_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n) { String const& scope (n.scope ().name ()); return scope + (scope.empty () ? L"" : L"#") + n.name (); } struct List: Traversal::List { virtual void traverse (Type& l) { if (l.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << l.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "list " << (l.named_p () ? l.name () : String ("")); SemanticGraph::Type& t (l.argumented ().type ()); if (t.named_p ()) wcout << " " << ref_name (t) << endl; else { wcout << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; edge_traverser ().dispatch (l.argumented ()); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } } }; struct Union: Traversal::Union { virtual void traverse (Type& u) { if (u.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << u.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "union " << (u.named_p () ? u.name () : String ("")); for (Type::ArgumentedIterator i (u.argumented_begin ()); i != u.argumented_end (); ++i) { SemanticGraph::Type& t (i->type ()); if (t.named_p ()) wcout << " " << ref_name (t); else { wcout << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; edge_traverser ().dispatch (*i); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } } wcout << endl; } }; struct Enumerator: Traversal::Enumerator { virtual void traverse (Type& e) { if (e.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << e.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "enumerator " << e.name () << endl; } }; struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration { virtual void traverse (Type& e) { if (e.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << e.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "enumeration " << (e.named_p () ? e.name () : String ("")) << ": " << ref_name (e.inherits ().base ()) << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; Traversal::Enumeration::traverse (e); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } }; struct ContainsParticle: Traversal::ContainsParticle { virtual void traverse (Type& cp) { wcout << ind << "[" << cp.min () << ", "; if (cp.max () == 0) wcout << "unbounded] "; else wcout << cp.max () << "] "; Traversal::ContainsParticle::traverse (cp); } }; struct ContainsCompositor: Traversal::ContainsCompositor { virtual void traverse (Type& cc) { wcout << ind << "[" << cc.min () << ", "; if (cc.max () == 0) wcout << "unbounded] "; else wcout << cc.max () << "] "; Traversal::ContainsCompositor::traverse (cc); } }; struct Compositor: Traversal::All, Traversal::Choice, Traversal::Sequence { virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::All& a) { wcout << "all" << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; Traversal::All::traverse (a); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Choice& c) { wcout << "choice" << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; Traversal::Choice::traverse (c); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Sequence& s) { wcout << "sequence" << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; Traversal::Sequence::traverse (s); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } }; struct Attribute: Traversal::Attribute { virtual void traverse (Type& a) { if (a.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << a.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << (a.optional_p () ? "optional" : "required") << " attribute " << a.name (); if (a.fixed_p ()) wcout << "==" << a.value (); else if (a.default_p ()) wcout << "=" << a.value (); SemanticGraph::Type& t (a.type ()); if (t.named_p ()) wcout << " " << ref_name (t) << endl; else { wcout << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; belongs (a); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } } }; struct AnyAttribute: Traversal::AnyAttribute { virtual void traverse (Type& a) { if (a.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << a.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "any-attribute '" << a.name () << "'" << endl; } }; struct Element: Traversal::Element { virtual void traverse (Type& e) { wcout << "element " << e.name (); if (e.fixed_p ()) wcout << "==" << e.value (); else if (e.default_p ()) wcout << "=" << e.value (); SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ()); if (t.named_p ()) wcout << " " << ref_name (t) << endl; else { wcout << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; belongs (e); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } } }; struct ElementFlat: Traversal::Element { virtual void traverse (Type& e) { if (e.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << e.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "element " << e.name (); if (e.fixed_p ()) wcout << "==" << e.value (); else if (e.default_p ()) wcout << "=" << e.value (); wcout << endl; } }; struct Any: Traversal::Any { virtual void traverse (Type& a) { wcout << "any '" << a.name () << "'" << endl; } }; struct AnyFlat: Traversal::Any { virtual void traverse (Type& a) { if (a.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << a.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "any '" << a.name () << "'" << endl; } }; struct Complex: Traversal::Complex { virtual void traverse (Type& c) { // Anonymous type definition can recursively refer to itself. // if (c.context ().count ("seen")) { wcout << ind << "complex " << endl; return; } c.context ().set ("seen", true); if (c.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << c.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "complex " << (c.named_p () ? c.name () : String ("")); if (c.inherits_p ()) wcout << ": " << ref_name (c.inherits ().base ()); wcout << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; Traversal::Complex::traverse (c); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; c.context ().remove ("seen"); } }; struct GlobalAttribute: Traversal::Attribute { virtual void traverse (Type& a) { if (a.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << a.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "attribute " << a.name (); if (a.fixed_p ()) wcout << "==" << a.value (); else if (a.default_p ()) wcout << "=" << a.value (); SemanticGraph::Type& t (a.type ()); if (t.named_p ()) wcout << " " << ref_name (t) << endl; else { wcout << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; belongs (a); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } } }; struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element { virtual void traverse (Type& e) { if (e.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << e.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "element " << e.name (); if (e.fixed_p ()) wcout << "==" << e.value (); else if (e.default_p ()) wcout << "=" << e.value (); SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ()); if (t.named_p ()) wcout << " " << ref_name (t) << endl; else { wcout << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; belongs (e); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } } }; struct Namespace: Traversal::Namespace { virtual void traverse (Type& n) { wcout << ind << "namespace " << n.name () << endl << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; Traversal::Namespace::traverse (n); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } }; // Go into implied/included/imported schemas while making sure // we don't recurse forever. // struct Uses: Traversal::Imports, Traversal::Includes, Traversal::Sources //Traversal::Implies @@ Need a --with-implies option { virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Imports& i) { if (traverse_uses (i, "imports")) Traversal::Imports::traverse (i); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Includes& i) { if (traverse_uses (i, "includes")) Traversal::Includes::traverse (i); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Sources& s) { if (traverse_uses (s, "sources")) Traversal::Sources::traverse (s); } /* virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Implies& i) { if (traverse_uses (i, "implies")) Traversal::Implies::traverse (i); } */ bool traverse_uses (SemanticGraph::Uses& u, String const& type) { SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.schema ()); if (s.context ().count ("seen")) { wcout << ind << "recursively " << type << " " << u.path () << endl; return false; } s.context ().set ("seen", true); if (s.annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << s.annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << type << " " << u.path () << endl; return true; } }; struct Schema: Traversal::Schema { virtual void traverse (Type& s) { wcout << ind << "{" << endl; indent++; Traversal::Schema::traverse (s); indent--; wcout << ind << "}" << endl; } }; } struct AnonymousNameTranslator: Transformations::AnonymousNameTranslator { virtual String translate (String const& /*file*/, String const& ns, String const& name, String const& xpath) { wcout << "anonymous: " << ns << " " << name << " " << xpath << endl; return name; } }; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { if (argc < 2) { wcerr << argv[0] << ": error: no input file." << endl; return 1; } // Parse options. // int i (1); bool anon (false); bool enum_synth (false); for (; i < argc; ++i) { if (argv[i] == NarrowString ("--anonymous")) anon = true; else if (argv[i] == NarrowString ("--enum-synthesis")) enum_synth = true; else break; } // Parse schema. // SemanticGraph::Path path (argv[i]); Parser parser (true, false, true); unique_ptr tu (parser.parse (path)); // // if (anon) { try { AnonymousNameTranslator transl; Transformations::Anonymous transf (transl); transf.transform (*tu, path, true); } catch (Transformations::Anonymous::Failed const&) { // Diagnostics has already been issued. // return 1; } } // // if (enum_synth) { Transformations::EnumSynthesis transf; transf.transform (*tu, path); } // // Schema schema; Uses uses; schema >> uses >> schema; Traversal::Names schema_names; Namespace ns; Traversal::Names ns_names; schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names; // // List list; Union union_; Complex complex; Enumeration enumeration; GlobalElement global_element; GlobalAttribute global_attribute; Traversal::Names complex_names; Traversal::Names enumeration_names; ContainsCompositor contains_compositor; ns_names >> list; ns_names >> union_; ns_names >> complex; ns_names >> enumeration; ns_names >> global_attribute; ns_names >> global_element; complex >> complex_names; complex >> contains_compositor; enumeration >> enumeration_names; // // Compositor compositor; ContainsParticle contains_particle; contains_compositor >> compositor; compositor >> contains_particle >> compositor; // // Any any; AnyFlat any_flat; Element element; ElementFlat element_flat; Attribute attribute; AnyAttribute any_attribute; Traversal::Belongs belongs; element >> belongs; attribute >> belongs; global_element >> belongs; global_attribute >> belongs; complex_names >> attribute; complex_names >> any_attribute; complex_names >> any_flat; complex_names >> element_flat; contains_particle >> any; contains_particle >> element; belongs >> list; belongs >> union_; belongs >> complex; belongs >> enumeration; // // Traversal::Argumented argumented; list >> argumented; union_ >> argumented; argumented >> list; argumented >> union_; argumented >> complex; argumented >> enumeration; // // Enumerator enumerator; enumeration_names >> enumerator; // // if (tu->annotated_p ()) wcout << ind << "<" << tu->annotation ().documentation () << ">" << endl; wcout << ind << "primary" << endl; tu->context ().set ("seen", true); schema.dispatch (*tu); return 0; } catch (InvalidSchema const&) { // Diagnostic has already been issued. } catch (SemanticGraph::InvalidPath const&) { wcerr << argv[0] << ": error: '" << argv[1] << "' is not a valid " << "filesystem path" << endl; } return 1; }