// file : cutl/compiler/cxx-indenter.txx // author : Boris Kolpackov // copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file namespace cutl { namespace compiler { template cxx_indenter:: cxx_indenter (code_stream& out) : out_ (out), buffering_ (false), position_ (0), paren_balance_ (0), spaces_ (2), construct_ (con_other), do_ (keyword(kw_do)), lbrace_ (1, '{'), rbrace_ (1, '}') { indentation_.push (0); single_line_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_if)); single_line_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_do)); single_line_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_for)); single_line_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_else)); single_line_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_case)); single_line_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_while)); follow_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_else)); follow_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_case)); follow_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_catch)); follow_blocks_.insert (keyword(kw_default)); } template void cxx_indenter:: put (C c) { // First determine what kind of construct we are in. // construct new_con (construct_); construct old_con (construct_); switch (c) { case '\n': { if (construct_ == con_pp_dir || construct_ == con_cxx_com) construct_ = new_con = con_other; break; } case '#': { if (construct_ == con_other) construct_ = new_con = con_pp_dir; break; } case '\"': { if (construct_ != con_pp_dir && construct_ != con_c_com && construct_ != con_cxx_com && construct_ != con_char_lit) { // We might be in an escape sequence. // bool es (!hold_.empty () && hold_.back () == '\\'); if (es) { // Scan the hold sequence backwards to figure out if this // backslash is part of this escape sequence or a preceding // one. // for (typename hold::reverse_iterator i (hold_.rbegin () + 1), e (hold_.rend ()); i != e && *i == '\\'; ++i) es = !es; } if (!es) { if (construct_ == con_string_lit) new_con = con_other; else construct_ = new_con = con_string_lit; } } break; } case '\'': { if (construct_ != con_pp_dir && construct_ != con_c_com && construct_ != con_cxx_com && construct_ != con_string_lit) { // We might be in an escape sequence. // bool es (!hold_.empty () && hold_.back () == '\\'); if (es) { // Scan the hold sequence backwards to figure out if this // backslash is part of this escape sequence or a preceding // one. // for (typename hold::reverse_iterator i (hold_.rbegin () + 1), e (hold_.rend ()); i != e && *i == '\\'; ++i) es = !es; } if (!es) { if (construct_ == con_char_lit) new_con = con_other; else construct_ = new_con = con_char_lit; } } break; } case '/': { if (construct_ == con_other) { if (!hold_.empty () && hold_.back () == '/') construct_ = new_con = con_cxx_com; } if (construct_ == con_c_com) { if (!hold_.empty () && hold_.back () == '*') construct_ = new_con = con_other; } break; } case '*': { if (construct_ == con_other) { if (!hold_.empty () && hold_.back () == '/') construct_ = new_con = con_c_com; } break; } default: { break; } } // Special handling of CPP directives. // if (construct_ == con_pp_dir) { write (c); position_++; return; } // // tokenize (c, old_con); // Indentation in parenthesis. We don't need to make sure // we are not in a comments, etc., because we make sure we // don't hold anything in those states. // if (!hold_.empty () && hold_.back () == '(') { unbuffer (); // We don't need to hold it anymore. if (c == '\n') indentation_.push (indentation_.top () + spaces_); else indentation_.push (position_); } // // bool defaulting (false); switch (c) { case '\n': { if (!indent_stack_.empty () && construct_ == con_other) indent_stack_.top ().newline_ = true; hold_.push_back (c); position_ = 0; // Starting a new line. break; } case '{': { if (construct_ == con_other) { if (!indent_stack_.empty ()) { // Pop all the blocks until the one that was indented. // while (!indent_stack_.top ().indented_) indent_stack_.pop (); if (indentation_.size () > 1) indentation_.pop (); indent_stack_.pop (); } ensure_new_line (); output_indentation (); write (c); ensure_new_line (); indentation_.push (indentation_.top () + spaces_); } else defaulting = true; break; } case '}': { if (construct_ == con_other) { if (indentation_.size () > 1) indentation_.pop (); // Reduce multiple newlines to one. // while (hold_.size () > 1) { typename hold::reverse_iterator i (hold_.rbegin ()); if (*i == '\n' && *(i + 1) == '\n') hold_.pop_back (); else break; } ensure_new_line (); output_indentation (); hold_.push_back (c); // Add double newline after '}'. // hold_.push_back ('\n'); hold_.push_back ('\n'); position_ = 0; buffering_ = true; } else defaulting = true; break; } case ';': { if (construct_ == con_other) { // for (;;) // if (!indent_stack_.empty () && paren_balance_ == 0) { // Pop all the blocks until the one that was indented. // while (!indent_stack_.top ().indented_) indent_stack_.pop (); if (indentation_.size () > 1) indentation_.pop (); indent_stack_.pop (); } if (paren_balance_ != 0) { // We are inside for (;;) statement. Nothing to do here. // defaulting = true; } else { // Handling '};' case. // bool brace (false); if (hold_.size () > 1 && hold_.back () == '\n') { bool pop_nl (false); for (typename hold::reverse_iterator i (hold_.rbegin ()), e (hold_.rend ()); i != e; ++i) { if (*i != '\n') { if (*i == '}') brace = pop_nl = true; break; } } if (pop_nl) while (hold_.back () == '\n') hold_.pop_back (); } output_indentation (); write (c); position_++; if (brace) { hold_.push_back ('\n'); hold_.push_back ('\n'); } ensure_new_line (); } } else defaulting = true; break; } case ' ': { if (construct_ == con_other) { // Handling '} foo_;' case. // if (hold_.size () > 1 && hold_.back () == '\n') { bool pop_nl (false); for (typename hold::reverse_iterator i (hold_.rbegin ()), e (hold_.rend ()); i != e; ++i) { if (*i != '\n') { if (*i == '}') pop_nl = true; break; } } if (pop_nl) while (hold_.back () == '\n') hold_.pop_back (); } } defaulting = true; break; } case '\\': { if (construct_ != con_pp_dir && construct_ != con_c_com && construct_ != con_cxx_com) { output_indentation (); hold_.push_back (c); position_++; } else defaulting = true; break; } case '(': { if (construct_ == con_other) { // Hold it so that we can see what's coming next. // output_indentation (); hold_.push_back (c); position_++; paren_balance_++; } else defaulting = true; break; } case ')': { if (construct_ == con_other) { if (indentation_.size () > 1) indentation_.pop (); if (paren_balance_ > 0) paren_balance_--; } defaulting = true; break; } case '/': { if (construct_ == con_other) { output_indentation (); hold_.push_back (c); position_++; } else defaulting = true; break; } case '*': { if (construct_ == con_c_com) { output_indentation (); hold_.push_back (c); position_++; } else defaulting = true; break; } default: { defaulting = true; break; } } if (defaulting) { output_indentation (); write (c); position_++; } construct_ = new_con; } template void cxx_indenter:: unbuffer () { for (; !hold_.empty (); hold_.pop_front ()) out_.put (hold_.front ()); } template void cxx_indenter:: next_token (string const& old, C c) { // Handle one line indentation blocks (if, else, etc). // if (single_line_blocks_.find (token_) != single_line_blocks_.end ()) { // Only indent sub-blocks if we are on a new line. // bool indent (indent_stack_.empty () || indent_stack_.top ().newline_); indent_stack_.push (indent_block (c == '\n', indent)); if (indent) indentation_.push (indentation_.top () + spaces_); } // Keep track of the do ... while construct in order to suppress // the newline after } and before while. // if (old == do_ && token_ == lbrace_) do_while_state_.push (0); if (!do_while_state_.empty ()) { if (token_ == lbrace_) do_while_state_.top ()++; if (token_ == rbrace_) do_while_state_.top ()--; } // Suppress double newline in the "}else", etc., cases. // if (old == rbrace_) { bool dw (!do_while_state_.empty () && do_while_state_.top () == 0); if (follow_blocks_.find (token_) != follow_blocks_.end () || dw) { if (dw) do_while_state_.pop (); // Reduce double newline after "}" into a single one. // typename hold::iterator i (hold_.end ()), b (hold_.begin ()); for (--i; i != b; --i) { // See if this is the end of the "}\n\n" sequence. // if (*i == '\n') { --i; if (i != b && *i == '\n') { --i; if (*i == '}') { ++i; hold_.erase (i); break; } } } } } else if (token_ != rbrace_) { buffering_ = false; } } } template void cxx_indenter:: ensure_new_line () { if (hold_.empty () || hold_.back () != '\n') { hold_.push_back ('\n'); position_ = 0; // Starting a new line. } } template void cxx_indenter:: output_indentation () { if (!hold_.empty () && hold_.back () == '\n') { for (std::size_t i (0); i < indentation_.top (); ++i) write (' '); position_ += indentation_.top (); } } template void cxx_indenter:: write (C c) { hold_.push_back (c); if (!buffering_) { for (; !hold_.empty (); hold_.pop_front ()) out_.put (hold_.front ()); } } template void cxx_indenter:: tokenize (C c, construct old) { // // switch (construct_) { case con_pp_dir: { if (old == con_other) // Start PP directive retire (c); return; } case con_c_com: { if (old == con_other) // Start C comment. lexeme_.clear (); return; } case con_cxx_com: { if (old == con_other) // Start C++ comment. lexeme_.clear (); return; } case con_string_lit: { if (old == con_other) // Start string literal retire (c); lexeme_ += c; return; } case con_char_lit: { if (old == con_other) // Start char literal retire (c); lexeme_ += c; return; } default: break; } // construct_ == other // switch (old) { case con_pp_dir: { // End PP directive (newline). // return; } case con_c_com: { // End C comment. // return; } case con_cxx_com: { // End C++ comment (newline). // return; } case con_string_lit: { // End string literal ("). // lexeme_ += c; return; } case con_char_lit: { // End char literal ('). // lexeme_ += c; return; } default: break; } // construct_ == old == other // switch (char_class (c)) { case cc_alpha: { if (lexeme_.empty () || char_class (lexeme_[0]) == cc_alpha) lexeme_ += c; else { retire (c); lexeme_ += c; } break; } case cc_digit: { if (lexeme_.empty ()) lexeme_ += c; else { char_class_type cc (char_class (lexeme_[0])); if (cc == cc_alpha || cc == cc_digit) lexeme_ += c; else { retire (c); lexeme_ += c; } } break; } case cc_op_punc: { retire (c); lexeme_ += c; break; } case cc_space: { retire (c); break; } } } template void cxx_indenter:: retire (C c) { if (!lexeme_.empty ()) { token_.swap (lexeme_); next_token (lexeme_, c); lexeme_.clear (); } } } }