CLI Language
Getting Started Guide

Copyright © 2009-2018 Code Synthesis Tools CC

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Table of Contents

2Hello World Example
2.1Defining Command Line Interface
2.2Translating CLI Definitions to C++
2.3Implementing Application Logic
2.4Compiling and Running
2.5Adding Documentation
3CLI Language
3.1Options Class Definition
3.2Option Definition
3.3Option Documentation
3.4Include Directive
3.5Namespace Definition

1 Introduction

Command Line Interface (CLI) definition language is a domain-specific language (DSL) for defining command line interfaces of C++ programs. CLI definitions are automatically translated to C++ classes using the CLI compiler. These classes implement parsing of the command line arguments and provide a convenient and type-safe interface for accessing the extracted data.

Beyond this guide, you may also find the following sources of information useful:

2 Hello World Example

In this chapter we will examine how to define a very simple command line interface in CLI, translate this interface to C++, and use the result in an application. The code presented in this chapter is based on the hello example which can be found in the examples/hello/ directory of the CLI distribution.

2.1 Defining Command Line Interface

Our hello application is going to print a greeting line for each name supplied on the command line. It will also support two command line options, --greeting and --exclamations, that can be used to customize the greeting line. The --greeting option allows us to specify the greeting phrase instead of the default "Hello". The --exclamations option is used to specify how many exclamation marks should be printed at the end of each greeting. We will also support the --help option which triggers printing of the usage information.

We can now write a description of the above command line interface in the CLI language and save it into hello.cli:

include <string>;

class options
  bool --help;
  std::string --greeting = "Hello";
  unsigned int --exclamations = 1;

While some details in the above code fragment might not be completely clear (the CLI language is covered in greater detail in the next chapter), it should be easy to connect declarations in hello.cli to the command line interface described in the preceding paragraphs. The next step is to translate this interface specification to C++.

2.2 Translating CLI Definitions to C++

Now we are ready to translate hello.cli to C++. To do this we invoke the CLI compiler from a terminal (UNIX) or a command prompt (Windows):

$ cli hello.cli

This invocation of the CLI compiler produces three C++ files: hello.hxx hello.ixx, and hello.cxx. You can change the file name extensions for these files with the compiler command line options. See the CLI Compiler Command Line Manual for more information.

The following code fragment is taken from hello.hxx; it should give you an idea about what gets generated:

#include <string>

class options
  options (int argc, char** argv);
  options (int argc, char** argv, int& end);

  // Option accessors.
  help () const;

  const std::string&
  greeting () const;

  unsigned int
  exclamations () const;


The options C++ class corresponds to the options CLI class. For each option in this CLI class an accessor function is generated inside the C++ class. The options C++ class also defines a number of overloaded constructs that we can use to parse the argc/argv array. Let's now see how we can use this generated class to implement option parsing in our hello application.

2.3 Implementing Application Logic

At this point we have everything we need to implement our application:

#include <iostream>
#include "hello.hxx"

using namespace std;

usage (ostream& os)
  os << "usage: driver [options] <names>" << endl
     << "options:" << endl;
  options::print_usage (os);

main (int argc, char* argv[])
    int end; // End of options.
    options o (argc, argv, end);

    if ( ())
      usage (cout);
      return 0;

    if (end == argc)
      cerr << "no names provided" << endl;
      usage (cerr);
      return 1;

    // Print the greetings.
    for (int i = end; i < argc; i++)
      cout << o.greeting () << ", " << argv[i];

      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < o.exclamations (); j++)
        cout << '!';

      cout << endl;
  catch (const cli::exception& e)
    cerr << e << endl;
    usage (cerr);
    return 1;

At the beginning of our application we create the options object which parses the command line. The end variable contains the index of the first non-option argument. We then access the option values as needed during the application execution. We also catch and print cli::exception in case something goes wrong, for example, an unknown option is specified or an option value is invalid.

2.4 Compiling and Running

After saving our application from the previous section in driver.cxx, we are ready to build and run our program. On UNIX this can be done with the following commands:

$ c++ -o driver driver.cxx hello.cxx

$ ./driver world
Hello, world!

$ ./driver --greeting Hi --exclamations 3 John Jane
Hi, John!!!
Hi, Jane!!!

We can also test the error handling:

$ ./driver -n 3 Jane
unknown option '-n'
usage: driver [options] <names>
--greeting <arg>
--exclamations <arg>

$ ./driver --exclamations abc Jane
invalid value 'abc' for option '--exclamations'
usage: driver [options] <names>
--greeting <arg>
--exclamations <arg>

2.5 Adding Documentation

As we have seen in the previous sections, the options C++ class provides the print_usage() function which we can use to display the application usage information. Right now this information is very basic and does not include any description of the purpose of each option:

$ ./driver --help
usage: driver [options] <names>
--greeting <arg>
--exclamations <arg>

To make the usage information more descriptive we can document each option in the command line interface definition. This information can also be used to automatically generate program documentation in various formats, such as HTML and man page. For example:

include <string>;

class options
  bool --help {"Print usage information and exit."};

  std::string --greeting = "Hello"
    "Use <text> as a greeting phrase instead of the default \"Hello\"."

  unsigned int --exclamations = 1
    "Print <num> exclamation marks instead of 1 by default."

If we now save this updated command line interface to hello.cli and recompile our application, the usage information printed by the program will look like this:

usage: driver [options] <names>
--help               Print usage information and exit.
--greeting <text>    Use <text> as a greeting phrase instead of the
                     default "Hello".
--exclamations <num> Print <num> exclamation marks instead of 1 by

We can also generate the program documentation in the HTML (--generate-html CLI option) and man page (--generate-man CLI option) formats. For example:

$ cli --generate-html hello.cli

The resulting hello.html file contains the following documentation:

Print usage information and exit.
--greeting text
Use text as a greeting phrase instead of the default "Hello".
--exclamations num
Print num exclamation marks instead of 1 by default.

This HTML fragment can be combined with custom prologue and epilogue to create a complete program documentation (--html-prologue/--html-epilogue options for the HTML output, --man-prologue/--man-epilogue options for the man page output). For an example of such complete documentation see the CLI Compiler Command Line Manual and the cli(1) man page. For more information on the option documentation syntax, see Section 3.3, Option Documentation.

3 CLI Language

This chapter describes the CLI language and its mapping to C++. A CLI file consists of zero or more Include Directives followed by one or more Namespace Definitions or Option Class Definitions. C and C++-style comments can be used anywhere in the CLI file except in character and string literals.

3.1 Option Class Definition

The central part of the CLI language is option class. An option class contains one or more option definitions, for example:

class options
  bool --help;
  int --compression;

If we translate the above CLI fragment to C++, we will get a C++ class with the following interface:

class options
  options (int& argc,
           char** argv,
           bool erase = false,
           cli::unknown_mode opt_mode = cli::unknown_mode::fail,
           cli::unknown_mode arg_mode = cli::unknown_mode::stop);

  options (int start,
           int& argc,
           char** argv,
           bool erase = false,
           cli::unknown_mode opt_mode = cli::unknown_mode::fail,
           cli::unknown_mode arg_mode = cli::unknown_mode::stop);

  options (int& argc,
           char** argv,
           int& end,
           bool erase = false,
           cli::unknown_mode opt_mode = cli::unknown_mode::fail,
           cli::unknown_mode arg_mode = cli::unknown_mode::stop);

  options (int start,
           int& argc,
           char** argv,
           int& end,
           bool erase = false,
           cli::unknown_mode opt_mode = cli::unknown_mode::fail,
           cli::unknown_mode arg_mode = cli::unknown_mode::stop);

  options (cli::scanner&,
           cli::unknown_mode opt_mode = cli::unknown_mode::fail,
           cli::unknown_mode arg_mode = cli::unknown_mode::stop);

  options (const options&);

  operator= (const options&);

  static void
  print_usage (std::ostream&);

  help () const;

  compression () const;

An option class is mapped to a C++ class with the same name. The C++ class defines a set of public overloaded constructors, a public copy constructor and an assignment operator, as well as a set of public accessor functions and, if the --generate-modifier CLI compiler option is specified, modifier functions corresponding to option definitions. It also defines a public static print_usage() function that can be used to print the usage information for the options defined by the class.

The argc/argv arguments in the overloaded constructors are used to pass the command line arguments array, normally as passed to main(). The start argument is used to specify the position in the arguments array from which the parsing should start. The constructors that don't have this argument, start from position 1, skipping the executable name in argv[0]. The end argument is used to return the position in the arguments array where the parsing of options stopped. This is the position of the first program argument, if any. If the erase argument is true, then the recognized options and their values are removed from the argv array and the argc count is updated accordingly.

The opt_mode and arg_mode arguments specify the parser behavior when it encounters an unknown option and argument, respectively. The unknown_mode type is part of the generated CLI runtime support code. It has the following interface:

namespace cli
  class unknown_mode
    enum value

    unknown_mode (value v);
    operator value () const;

If the mode is skip, the parser skips an unknown option or argument and continue parsing. If the mode is stop, the parser stops the parsing process. The position of the unknown entity is stored in the end argument. If the mode is fail, the parser throws the cli::unknown_option or cli::unknown_argument exception (described blow) on encountering an unknown option or argument, respectively.

Instead of the argc/argv arguments, the last overloaded constructor accepts the cli::scanner object. It is part of the generated CLI runtime support code and has the following abstract interface:

namespace cli
  class scanner
    virtual bool
    more () = 0;

    virtual const char*
    peek () = 0;

    virtual const char*
    next () = 0;

    virtual void
    skip () = 0;

The CLI runtime also provides two implementations of this interface: cli::argv_scanner and cli::argv_file_scanner. The first implementation is a simple scanner for the argv array (it is used internally by all the other constructors) and has the following interface:

namespace cli
  class argv_scanner
    argv_scanner (int& argc, char** argv, bool erase = false);
    argv_scanner (int start, int& argc, char** argv, bool erase = false);

    end () const;


The cli::argv_file_scanner implementation provides support for reading command line arguments from the argv array as well as files specified with command line options. It is generated only if explicitly requested with the --generate-file-scanner CLI compiler option and has the following interface:

namespace cli
  class argv_file_scanner
    argv_file_scanner (int& argc,
                       char** argv,
                       const std::string& option,
                       bool erase = false);

    argv_file_scanner (int start,
                       int& argc,
                       char** argv,
                       const std::string& option,
                       bool erase = false);

    struct option_info
      // If search_func is not NULL, it is called, with the arg
      // value as the second argument, to locate the options file.
      // If it returns an empty string, then the file is ignored.
      const char* option;
      std::string (*search_func) (const char*, void* arg);
      void* arg;

    argv_file_scanner (int& argc,
                       char** argv,
                       const option_info* options,
                       std::size_t options_count,
                       bool erase = false);

    argv_file_scanner (int start,
                       int& argc,
                       char** argv,
                       const option_info* options,
                       std::size_t options_count,
                       bool erase = false);

The option argument in the first two constructors and the options and options_count arguments in the last two are used to pass the option name(s) that should be recognized as specifying the file containing additional options. Such a file contains a set of options, each appearing on a separate line optionally followed by space and an option value. Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored. Option values can be enclosed in double (") or single (') quotes to preserve leading and trailing whitespaces as well as to specify empty values. If the value itself contains trailing or leading quotes, enclose it with an extra pair of quotes, for example '"x"'. Non-leading and non-trailing quotes are interpreted as being part of the option value.

The semantics of providing options in a file is equivalent to providing the same set of options in the same order on the command line at the point where the options file is specified, except that the shell escaping and quoting is not required. Multiple files can be specified by including several file options on the command line or inside other files.

The parsing constructor (those with the argc/argv or cli::scanner arguments) can throw the following exceptions: cli::unknown_option, cli::unknown_argument, cli::missing_value, and cli::invalid_value. The first two exceptions are thrown on encountering unknown options and arguments, respectively, as described above. The missing_value exception is thrown when an option value is missing. The invalid_value exception is thrown when an option value is invalid, for example, a non-integer value is specified for an option of type int.

Furthermore, all scanners (and thus the parsing constructors that call them) can throw the cli::eos_reached exception which indicates that one of the peek(), next(), or skip() functions were called while more() returns false. Catching this exception normally indicates an error in an option parser implementation. The argv_file_scanner class can also throw the cli::file_io_failure exception which indicates that a file could not be opened or there was a reading error as well as the cli::unmatched_quote exception which indicates that an unmatched leading or trailing quote was found in an option value.

All CLI exceptions are derived from the common cli::exception class which implements the polymorphic std::ostream insertion. For example, if you catch the cli::unknown_option exception as cli::exception and print it to std::cerr, you will get the error message corresponding to the unknown_option exception.

The exceptions described above are part of the generated CLI runtime support code and have the following interfaces:

#include <exception>

namespace cli
  class exception: public std::exception
    virtual void
    print (std::ostream&) const = 0;

  inline std::ostream&
  operator<< (std::ostream& os, const exception& e)
    e.print (os);
    return os;

  class unknown_option: public exception
    unknown_option (const std::string& option);

    const std::string&
    option () const;

    virtual void
    print (std::ostream&) const;

    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  class unknown_argument: public exception
    unknown_argument (const std::string& argument);

    const std::string&
    argument () const;

    virtual void
    print (std::ostream&) const;

    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  class missing_value: public exception
    missing_value (const std::string& option);

    const std::string&
    option () const;

    virtual void
    print (std::ostream&) const;

    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  class invalid_value: public exception
    invalid_value (const std::string& option,
                   const std::string& value);

    const std::string&
    option () const;

    const std::string&
    value () const;

    virtual void
    print (std::ostream&) const;

    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  class eos_reached: public exception
    virtual void
    print (std::ostream&) const;

    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  class file_io_failure: public exception
    file_io_failure (const std::string& file);

    const std::string&
    file () const;

    virtual void
    print (std::ostream&) const;

    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  class unmatched_quote: public exception
    unmatched_quote (const std::string& argument);

    const std::string&
    argument () const;

    virtual void
    print (std::ostream&) const;

    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

3.2 Option Definition

An option definition consists of four components: type, name, default value, and documentation. An option type can be any C++ type as long as its string representation can be parsed using the std::istream interface. If the option type is user-defined then you will need to include its declaration using the Include Directive.

An option of a type other than bool is expected to have a value. An option of type bool is treated as a flag and does not have a value. That is, a mere presence of such an option on the command line sets this option's value to true.

The name component specifies the option name as it will be entered in the command line. A name can contain any number of aliases separated by |. The C++ accessor and modifier function names are derived from the first name by removing any leading special characters, such as -, /, etc., and replacing special characters in other places with underscores. For example, the following option definition:

class options
  int --compression-level | --comp | -c;

Will result in the following accessor function:

class options
  compression_level () const;

While any option alias can be used on the command line to specify this option's value.

If the option name conflicts with one of the CLI language keywords, it can be specified as a string literal:

class options
  bool "int";

The following component of the option definition is the optional default value. If the default value is not specified, then the option is initialized with the default constructor. In particular, this means that a bool option will be initialized to false, an int option will be initialized to 0, etc.

Similar to C++ variable initialization, the default option value can be specified using two syntactic forms: an assignment initialization and constructor initialization. The two forms are equivalent except that the constructor initialization can be used with multiple arguments, for example:

include <string>;

class options
  int -i1 = 5;
  int -i2 (5);

  std::string -s1 = "John";
  std::string -s2 ("Mr John Doe", 8, 3);

The assignment initialization supports character, string, boolean, and simple integer literals (including negative integers) as well as identifiers. For more complex expressions use the constructor initialization or wrap the expressions in parenthesis, for example:

include "constants.hxx"; // Defines default_value.

class options
  int -a = default_value;
  int -b (25 * 4);
  int -c = (25 / default_value + 3);

By default, when an option is specified two or more times on the command line, the last value overrides all the previous ones. However, a number of standard C++ containers are handled differently to allow collecting multiple option values or building key-value maps. These containers are std::vector, std::set, and std::map.

When std::vector or std::set is specified as an option type, all the values for this option are inserted into the container in the order they are encountered. As a result, std::vector will contain all the values, including duplicates while std::set will contain all the unique values. For example:

include <set>;
include <vector>;

class options
  std::vector<int> --vector | -v;
  std::set<int> --set | -s;

If we have a command line like this: -v 1 -v 2 -v 1 -s 1 -s 2 -s 1, then the vector returned by the vector() accessor function will contain three elements: 1, 2, and 1 while the set returned by the set() accessor will contain two elements: 1 and 2.

When std::map is specified as an option type, the option value is expected to have two parts: the key and the value, separated by =. All the option values are then parsed into key/value pairs and inserted into the map. For example:

include <map>;
include <string>;

class options
  std::map<std::string, std::string> --map | -m;

The possible option values for this interface are: -m a=A, -m =B (key is an empty string), -m c= (value is an empty string), or -m d (same as -m d=).

The last component in the option definition is optional documentation. It is discussed in the next section.

3.3 Option Documentation

Option documentation mimics C++ string array initialization: it is enclosed in {} and consists of one or more documentation strings separated by a comma, for example:

class options
  int --compression = 5
    "Set compression to <level> instead of 5 by default.

     With the higher compression levels the program may produce a
     smaller output but may also take longer and use more memory."

The option documentation consists of a maximum of three documentation strings. The first string is the value documentation string. It describes the option value and is only applicable to options with types other than bool (options of type bool are flags and don't have an explicit value). The second string (or the first string for options of type bool) is the short documentation string. It provides a brief description of the option. The last entry in the option documentation is the long documentation string. It provides a detailed description of the option. The short documentation string is optional. If only two strings are present in the option documentation (one string for options of type bool), then the second (first) string is assumed to be the long documentation string.

Option documentation is used to print the usage information as well as to generate program documentation in the HTML and man page formats. For usage information the short documentation string is used if provided. If only the long string is available, then, by default, only the first sentence from the long string is used. You can override this behavior and include the complete long string in the usage information by specifying the --long-usage CLI compiler option. When generating the program documentation, the long documentation strings are always used.

The value documentation string can contain text enclosed in <> which is automatically recognized by the CLI compiler and typeset according to the selected output in all three documentation strings. For example, in usage the level value for the --compression option presented above will be displayed as <level> while in the HTML and man page output it will be typeset in italic as level. Here is another example using the std::map type:

include <map>;
include <string>;

class options
  std::map<std::string, std::string> --map
    "Add the <key>, <value> pair to the map."

The resulting HTML output for this option would look like this:

--map key=value
Add the key, value pair to the map.

As you might have noticed from the examples presented so far, the documentation strings can span multiple lines which is not possible in C++. Also, all three documentation strings support the following basic formatting mechanisms. The start of a new paragraph is indicated by a blank line. A fragment of text can be typeset in monospace font (normally used for code fragments) by enclosing it in the \c{} block. Similarly, text can be typeset in bold or italic fonts using the \b{} and \i{} blocks, respectively. You can also combine several font properties in a single block, for example, \cb{bold code}. If you need to include literal } in a formatting block, you can use the \} escape sequence, for example, \c{int a[] = {1, 2\}}. The following example shows how we can use these mechanisms:

class options
  int --compression = 5
    "Set compression to <level> instead of 5 by default.

     With the higher compression levels the program \i{may}
     produce a smaller output but may also \b{take longer}
     and \b{use more memory}."

The resulting HTML output for this option would look like this:

--compression level
Set compression to level instead of 5 by default.

With the higher compression levels the program may produce a smaller output but may also take longer and use more memory.

3.4 Include Directive

If you are using user-defined types in your option definitions, you will need to include their declarations with the include directive. Include directives can use < > or " "-enclosed paths. The CLI compiler does not actually open or read these files. Instead, the include directives are translated to C++ preprocessor #include directives in the generated C++ header file. For example, the following CLI definition:

include <string>;
include "types.hxx"; // Defines the name_type class.

class options
  std::string --string;
  name_type --name;

Will result in the following C++ header file:

#include <string>
#include "types.hxx"

class options

  const std::string&
  string () const;

  const name_type&
  name () const;


Without the #include directives the std::string and name_type types in the options class would be undeclared and result in compilation errors.

3.5 Namespace Definition

Option classes can be placed into namespaces which are translated directly to C++ namespaces. For example:

namespace compiler
  namespace lexer
    class options
      int --warning-level = 0;

  namespace parser
    class options
      int --warning-level = 0;

  namespace generator
    class options
      int --target-width = 32;

The above CLI namespace structure would result in the equivalent C++ namespaces structure:

namespace compiler
  namespace lexer
    class options
      warning_level () const;

  namespace parser
    class options
      warning_level () const;

  namespace generator
    class options
      target_width () const;