// file : cli/header.cxx // author : Boris Kolpackov // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include using namespace std; namespace { // // struct option: traversal::option, context { option (context& c) : context (c) {} virtual void traverse (type& o) { string name (ename (o)); string type (o.type ().name ()); os << "const " << type << "&" << endl << name << " () const;" << endl; if (gen_modifier) { os << type << "&" << endl << name << " ();" << endl; os << "void" << endl << name << " (const " << type << "&);" << endl; } if (gen_specifier && type != "bool") { string spec (especifier (o)); os << "bool" << endl << spec << " () const;" << endl; if (gen_modifier) os << "void" << endl << spec << " (bool);" << endl; } } }; // // struct option_data: traversal::option, context { option_data (context& c) : context (c) {} virtual void traverse (type& o) { string member (emember (o)); string type (o.type ().name ()); os << type << " " << member << ";"; if (gen_specifier && type != "bool") os << "bool " << especifier_member (o) << ";"; } }; // // struct base: traversal::class_, context { base (context& c): context (c), first_ (true) {} virtual void traverse (type& c) { if (first_) { os << ": "; first_ = false; } else os << "," << endl << " "; os << "public " << fq_name (c); } private: bool first_; }; // // struct class_: traversal::class_, context { class_ (context& c) : context (c), option_ (c), option_data_ (c) { names_option_ >> option_; names_option_data_ >> option_data_; } virtual void traverse (type& c) { bool abst (c.abstract ()); string name (escape (c.name ())); string um (cli + "::unknown_mode"); os << "class " << name; { base b (*this); traversal::inherits i (b); inherits (c, i); } os << "{" << "public:" << endl; // c-tors // if (!abst) { os << name << " ();" << endl; // Are we generating parsing constructors or parse() functions? // string n; if (gen_parse) { os << "// Return true if anything has been parsed." << endl << "//" << endl; n = string ("bool\n") + (name != "parse" ? "parse" : "parse_"); } else n = name; os << n << " (int& argc," << endl << "char** argv," << endl << "bool erase = false," << endl << um << " option = " << um << "::fail," << endl << um << " argument = " << um << "::stop);" << endl; os << n << " (int start," << endl << "int& argc," << endl << "char** argv," << endl << "bool erase = false," << endl << um << " option = " << um << "::fail," << endl << um << " argument = " << um << "::stop);" << endl; os << n << " (int& argc," << endl << "char** argv," << endl << "int& end," << endl << "bool erase = false," << endl << um << " option = " << um << "::fail," << endl << um << " argument = " << um << "::stop);" << endl; os << n << " (int start," << endl << "int& argc," << endl << "char** argv," << endl << "int& end," << endl << "bool erase = false," << endl << um << " option = " << um << "::fail," << endl << um << " argument = " << um << "::stop);" << endl; os << n << " (" << cli << "::scanner&," << endl << um << " option = " << um << "::fail," << endl << um << " argument = " << um << "::stop);" << endl; } // Note that we are generating public merge() function even for abstract // classes; theoretically, one may want to merge options only starting // form a specific point in the inheritance hierarchy (e.g., only common // options or some such). // if (gen_merge) os << "// Merge options from the specified instance appending/overriding" << endl << "// them as if they appeared after options in this instance." << endl << "//" << endl << "void" << endl << "merge (const " << name << "&);" << endl; // // os << "// Option accessors" << (gen_modifier ? " and modifiers." : ".") << endl << "//" << endl; names (c, names_option_); // Usage. // if (gen_usage != ut_none) { string up (cli + "::usage_para"); string const& ost (options.ostream_type ()); os << "// Print usage information." << endl << "//" << endl; os << "static " << up << endl << "print_usage (" << ost << "&," << endl << up << " = " << up << "::none);" << endl; if (gen_usage == ut_both) os << "static " << up << endl << "print_long_usage (" << ost << "&," << endl << up << " = " << up << "::none);" << endl; } // Description. // if (options.generate_description ()) { os << "// Option description." << endl << "//" << endl << "static const " << cli << "::options&" << endl << "description ();" << endl; } os << "// Implementation details." << endl << "//" << endl << "protected:" << endl; // default c-tor (abstract) // if (abst) os << name << " ();" << endl; // fill () // if (options.generate_description ()) os << "friend struct _cli_" + name + "_desc_type;" << endl << "static void" << endl << "fill (" << cli << "::options&);" << endl; // _parse () // os << "bool" << endl << "_parse (const char*, " << cli << "::scanner&);" << endl; // _parse () // if (!abst) os << "private:" << endl << "bool" << endl << "_parse (" << cli << "::scanner&," << endl << um << " option," << endl << um << " argument);" << endl; // Data members. // os << "public:" << endl; //@@ tmp names (c, names_option_data_); os << "};"; } private: option option_; traversal::names names_option_; option_data option_data_; traversal::names names_option_data_; }; // // struct includes_: traversal::cxx_includes, traversal::cli_includes, context { includes_ (context& c) : context (c) {} virtual void traverse (semantics::cxx_includes& i) { generate (i.kind (), i.file ().string ()); } virtual void traverse (semantics::cli_includes& i) { generate (i.kind (), (options.output_prefix () + i.file ().base ().string () + options.output_suffix () + options.hxx_suffix ())); } void generate (semantics::includes::kind_type k, string const& f) { char b, e; if (k == semantics::includes::quote) b = e = '"'; else { b = '<'; e = '>'; } os << "#include " << b << f << e << endl << endl; } }; } void generate_header (context& ctx) { ostream& os (ctx.os); traversal::cli_unit unit; includes_ includes (ctx); traversal::names unit_names; namespace_ ns (ctx); class_ cl (ctx); unit >> includes; unit >> unit_names >> ns; unit_names >> cl; traversal::names ns_names; ns >> ns_names >> ns; ns_names >> cl; unit.dispatch (ctx.unit); // Entire page usage. // if (ctx.gen_usage != ut_none && ctx.options.page_usage_specified ()) { os << "// Print page usage information." << endl << "//" << endl; const string& qn (ctx.options.page_usage ()); string n (ctx.escape (ctx.substitute (ctx.ns_open (qn, false)))); string up (ctx.cli + "::usage_para"); string const& ost (ctx.options.ostream_type ()); os << up << endl << n << "usage (" << ost << "&," << endl << up << " = " << up << "::none);" << endl; if (ctx.gen_usage == ut_both) os << up << endl << n << "long_usage (" << ost << "&," << endl << up << " = " << up << "::none);" << endl; ctx.ns_close (qn, false); } }