Version 1.2.0 * New option, --generate-merge, triggers the generation of the merge() function which can be used to merge several already parsed options class instances, for example, to implement option appending/overriding. * New option, --generate-specifier, triggers the generation of functions for determining whether the option was specified on the command line. * New option, --suppress-undocumented, suppresses the generation of documentation entries for undocumented options. * New option, --cli-namespace, allows changing of the namespace for the generated CLI support types. * The argv_file_scanner now supports double and single-quoting option values in option files. This is useful to preserve leading and trailing whitespaces as well as to specify empty values. * The argv_file_scanner now supports multiple file options as well as file search callbacks. * New option, --generate-dep, triggers the generation of the make dependency information. Other related new options: --dep-suffix, --dep-file. * Support for std::multimap as an option type in addition to std::map. Version 1.1.0 * Support for option documentation. Option documentation is used to print the usage information as well as to generate the program documentation in the HTML and man page formats. For details, see Sections 2.5, "Adding Documentation" and 3.3, "Option Documentation" in the Getting Started Guide. New CLI compiler command line options related to this feature: --suppress-usage --long-usage --option-length --generate-cxx --generate-man --generate-html --man-prologue --man-epilogue --html-prologue --html-epilogue --man-suffix --html-suffix --class --stdout The CLI compiler usage, HTML documentation, and man page are auto-generated using this feature. * New option, --generate-modifier, triggers the generation of the option value modifiers in addition to the accessors. * Support for erasing the parsed elements from the argc/argv array. See Section 3.1, "Option Class Definition" in the Getting Started Guide for more information. * New scanner interface. Starting with this version, the option class has a new constructor which accepts an abstract scanner interface. See Section 3.1, "Option Class Definition" in the Getting Started Guide for more information. * New option, --generate-file-scanner, triggers the generation of the argv_file_scanner scanner implementation which provides support for reading command line arguments from the argv array as well as files specified with command line options. For more information see Section 3.1, "Option Class Definition" in the Getting Started Guide as well as the 'file' example. * New option, --options-file, allows additional CLI command line options to be provided in files (implemented using argv_file_scanner). Version 1.0.0 * First public release.