This example shows how to allow the users of your application to supply options in files in addition to the command line. The example consists of the following files: options.cli Command line interface description in the CLI language. options.hxx options.ixx options.cxx Command line interface implementation in C++. These files are generated by the CLI compiler from options.cli using the following command line: cli --generate-file-scanner hello.cli We use the --generate-file-scanner CLI compiler option to include the argv_file_scanner scanner implementation which provides support for reading options from files in addition to the command line. driver.cxx Driver for the example. It first creates the argv_file_scanner object and indicates that the values for the --options-file option should be recognized as files containing additional options. It then passes this scanner object to the option class which parses the command line. The driver then prints the option values. test.ops Sample options file. To run this example you can try the following command line: $ ./driver --verbose 2 --val 1 --options-file test.ops --val 4 The output will be: verbosity: 5 values: 1 2 3 4